انا مش عارفه الايه دى فعلا هى اخر ايه نزلت فى القران ولا اية اليوم اتممت لكم دينكم حد يقولى هى الايه اهنى فيهم
زوزو | 13/9/2008
يا ريت حد يقولى على قرار وقلولى ايه هى اخر ايه بالظبط علشان انا عندى مسابقه ومحتاجه اجابة السؤال دا فى اسرع وقت انا هفتح تانى النهارده ويا ريت الاقى الردانا اسمى زوزو وسنى 15 يا ريت الاقى الرد الصحيح وعاوزه اتعرف عليكو
شكرا يا اخي جزاك الله لم اكن اعرف ما هي آخر آية ساعدتني شكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااآآآآآآآآآآآ
احلى ميمو | 15/9/2008
بعض الناس يقولون ان هناك عشرة
سر | 15/9/2008
لبني | 19/9/2008
علا | 21/9/2008
ألف شكر
مصر | 22/9/2008
موضوع رائع جازاك الله خيرا
ام مصعب | 30/9/2008
شكرا ساعدتيني على حل الواجب
جوجو | 12/10/2008
أرجو أن تكون الاجابة هى الصحيحة
عبد لله | 18/10/2008
اخر اية نزلت هي اليوم اتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا
ابو محمد | 24/10/2008
ممممممممممممممممشششششششششششككككككورة وماقصرت الله يوفقك مشكورة مختصرة ريحتيناء
جوجو | 20/12/2008
مممممشكورة واللة يوفقك
جوجو | 20/12/2008
شكرا شكرا بس ياريت اعرف رقم الايه لوووو سمحتم بليييييييز
مرموره | 21/12/2008
شكرا شكرا بس ياريت اعرف رقم الايه لوووو سمحتم بليييييييز
مرموره | 21/12/2008
شكرا شكرا بس ياريت اعرف رقم الايه لوووو سمحتم بليييييييز
مرموره | 21/12/2008
بس شو رقم الاّيه وباي سورة ؟؟
مجهول | 21/12/2008
اخواني اخر آيه فعلاً هي قوله تعالى .. واتقوا يوماُ ترجعون فيه الى الله .. الآيه
الفارس | 20/1/2009
يقول الله تعالى: "وَاتَّقُوا يَوْماً تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ" (البقرة:281)
يقول ابن كثير: هذه الآية آخر مانزل من القرآن العظيم، وقد عاش النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد نزولها تسع ليالٍ ثم انتقل إلى الرفيق الأعلى.
أيها الأحبة في الله: إنها أعظم وصية... كيف لا؟ وهي وصية رب العالمين وخالق الخلق أجمعين.
الفارس | 20/1/2009
{ اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا } فقال عمر: إني لأعلم اليوم الذي نزلت فيه والمكان الذي نزلت فيه نزلت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعرفات في يوم جمعة "
ولقد كانت هذه الآية الكريمة من أواخر القرآن نزولا حيث لم يكن بين نزولها وبين وفاته صلى الله عليه وسلم سوى واحد وثمانين يوما ، ويخطئ من يظن أنها آخر القرآن نزولا بإطلاق ، لأن الثابت أن آخر القرآن نزولا مطلقا هو قوله تعالى: " وَاتَّقُوا يَوْماً تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لاَ يُظْلَمُونَ " (البقرة:281) فقد كان بين نزولها وبين انتقاله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الرفيق الأعلى تسع ليال0
وسبب الوقوع فى هذا الخطأ هى تلك السمة التى غلبت على الآية من الإعلام بإكمال الله لدينه فى ذلك اليوم
الفارس | 20/1/2009
جزاكم الله خيرا جميعا واعطاكم الله العافيه فى الدرنيا والاخره وكثر الله من امثالكم وثبتكم على دينكم ..........امين يارب
مروه مقبل | 11/2/2009
ههههههههههههههههههههههه شكرااااااااااا
سااكورا | 18/2/2009
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا *.*
سااكورا | 19/2/2009
سااكورا | 19/2/2009
ساسوكي | 19/2/2009
انا ايضا سمعت ان العلماء اختلفوا في اخر اية نزلت على الرسول صلى الله علية وسلم ...
فقد اختلف أهل العلم في آخر آية نزلت على أقوال:
القول الأول: أن آخر آية نزلت هي آية الربا، وهي قوله تعالى:يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَذَرُوا مَا بَقِيَ مِنَ الرِّبا إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ [البقرة:278] روى ذلك البخاري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما.
القول الثاني: أن آخر آية نزلت آية:وَاتَّقُوا يَوْماً تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ [البقرة:281] رواه النسائي عن ابن عباس وسعيد بن جبير.
وقد جمع بين هذه الروايات الثلاث بأن هذه الآيات نزلت دفعة واحدة كترتيبها في المصحف، فروى كل واحد بعض ما نزل بأنه آخر ما نزل.
القول الرابع: أن آخر آية نزلت قوله تعالى:الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلامَ دِيناً [المائدة:3].
وهنالك أقوال أخرى منها آية الكلالة، كما روى ذلك الشيخان عن البراء بن عازب رضي الله عنهما.
ومن أحسن ما قيل في هذا الاختلاف قول من قال: هذه الأقوال ليس فيها شيء مرفوع إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ويجوز أن يكون قاله قائله بضرب من الاجتهاد وغلبة الظن، ويحتمل أن كلاً منهم أخبر عن آخر ما سمعه من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في اليوم الذي مات فيه أو قبل مرضه بقليل، ويحتمل أيضاً أن تنزل هذه الآية التي هي آخر أية تلاها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم مع آيات نزلت معها، فيؤمر برسم ما نزل معها بعد رسم تلك، فيظن أنه آخر ما نزل في الترتيب والله اعلم
خوخة | 1/3/2009
مششششششششششكوريييييييييين جميعا وجزيتم عنا خيرا
ام مريم | 21/4/2009
اشكركم من اعمااااااااااق قلبي غرام الحب
مهند عبدله بن زعروري البيضاني | 10/5/2009
شوشو | 24/8/2009
ميرسي تحياتي عاشقة الغرام
حنين من فلسطين | 1/9/2009
من اعماق قلبى اقول وادعى لكم ان يجزيكم اللة خيرا
احمد العطار | 15/9/2009
مشكورين الصراحه وعساكم عالقوة بس انا لين الحين مب فاهمة ومتلخبطه يعني اي ايه الحين اقدر اعتمدها لان باجر عندي امتحان ومب محصله الاجابه
عاشقة ساره | 6/10/2009
بنت السلطنه | 5/12/2009
ساعدتوني في حل السؤال ومشكورين مره ثانيه
فمان الله ،،
بنت السلطنه | 5/12/2009
الله يعطيج العافيه
توتا | 7/12/2009
تقلقو | 11/12/2009
ميرسى جدا على الافاده الكبيره جدا بارك الله فيكم
salma | 15/12/2009
السلام عليكم انا سمعت انو ايه ٢٨١ من سورة البقرة هي اخر ايه نزلت من القران هل هذا صحيح ********* وشكرا
عاشقة تراب الجنه | 14/2/2010
شكرا لكم
ماجد | 7/3/2010
جزاكم الله خير ...
همي دعوتي | 29/3/2010
ليست اخر ايه نزلت على الرسوال صلى الله عليه وسلم هى بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا )
ولكن اخر ايه نزلت فى القران الكريم هى (وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ)
سورة البقره ايه 281
والله اعلى وعلم
ومن قال اعلم فقدافتى
محمد سعيد | 22/4/2010
معذرة اخ محمد سعيد من قال (لا) أعلم فقد افتى
اجاباتكم ممتازة وكفيتو ووفيتو ...
أم مالك | 25/5/2010
مشششششكوره بس فين نزلت
لووووولووووو | 30/5/2010
يال الجهل
ريم | 17/6/2010
أخر اية نزلت في اقران الكريم هي سورة النصر (أدا جاء نصر الله والفتح
الملك | 22/7/2010
اريد ان اعرف ما هى اخر ايه نزلت بضبط
ساسكى | 24/7/2010
جزاكم اللة كل خير
سندرلة العرب يويا | 25/7/2010
شكراااااااااا على المعلومة الممتازة (اية&سحر)
اية الطير | 25/7/2010
شكرآ لكني أعرف هذه المعلومة
رند | 27/7/2010
مشكورين على هذه المعلومة المفيدة
عمر الصعيدي | 27/7/2010
جزاكم الله كل خير واحسن
محمود الحكيم | 10/8/2010
الف شكرررررررررر على المعلومه القيمه
سيد محمد عبد الحكيم | 10/8/2010
نشكركم لحسن تعونكم معنا
حكيم محمد | 10/8/2010
شكراااااااااا على المعلومه
النجم تيتو عبد الحكيم | 10/8/2010
خالد عبد الحكيم | 10/8/2010
على عبد الحكيم | 10/8/2010
الف شكرررررررررر
ام عماد | 10/8/2010
مشكوررررررررررين على الاجابة
الفجر | 20/8/2010
صلو على الحبيب
صلى الله عليه وسلــــــــــم
الفجر | 20/8/2010
شكرا اوى على الاجابة ميرسيييييييييي
ايمان | 31/8/2010
اللي اععرفه انها ف(الاعراف-المدثر-الواقعة)
يويو | 31/8/2010
شكرا شكرا كتير
على الملومة الرائعة
اهداء الصرفندي | 3/9/2010
جزاكم الله خيرا
اسراء فتحى | 6/9/2010
قال الله تعالى بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (اتقوا يوما ترجعون فية الى الله ثم توفى كل نفس ماكسبت وهم لا يظلمون )
gana | 8/9/2010
اعتقد ان هذة اخر اية لانها نزلت قبل موت الرسول بتسع ليالى وارجوا منكم الرد بالاجابة الصحيحة
gana | 8/9/2010
جزاكم الله خيراً وشكراً
minoxa | 28/9/2010
شكرررررررررراااا كتييييييييير
aya | 21/10/2010
ارجو التكرم بتزويدى بايات الحدود كامله بالقران الكريم مشكورين
mohamed | 28/10/2010
لا يوجد
ميساء | 1/11/2010
مشكوووووووووورين واااااااااايد
الدلع صفاتي | 5/11/2010
حتى أنا بعد عندي مسابقة ومو عارفة الاجابة الاكيدة أحديقول لي اثبت ع شنو
غفلةزمن | 6/11/2010
انا استفدت منكم كتيييييييييير قوى والله العظييييييييييم
الاء رجب عجيله | 8/11/2010
دى أخر أيه نزلت من القرأن لان بعدها بأيام معدوده كانت وفاة الحبيب المصطفى (ص)
حماد | 9/11/2010
أنا عنجد كان بدي هاي الإجابة لأنو الإستاذ اللي بصفي كان محتاجها ليزدلي علامات ششششششششششكرا
اللورد | 12/11/2010
أنا بشكر كل اللي ساهموا بهل المعلومي اللي فادوني فيها thank you
وردة حمص | 12/11/2010
انا جد مسرورة
خولة | 24/11/2010
شكراً جزيلا.
بنت صحار | 2/12/2010
نورالله | 11/12/2010
(الحمد لللاه على نعمه)الذي أنزلا المطر على بلادنا
أنا سوري | 11/12/2010
بس شو أسم سورة ورقم اية يا أغبياء
عاشقة كلاش | 13/12/2010
الاية كثير حلوة صحيح من سورة ايش ورقمها
نور ررر | 14/12/2010
واااااااااايد يقتل
الحب | 22/12/2010
شكرا كتير يعطيكم العافيهعلى المعلومة الجميلة واية كتير حلوة
سمر البحر | 19/1/2011
توفي المصطفي بعد تسعة ايام ولا بعد ثمانية
alshaba7 | 22/1/2011
اية رائعة لستدراك الناس نعم الله وشششكراااا لكمممممم ارجو ان نبقى في تواصل دائم
ياسين الجزائر | 1/3/2011
شكر على الاجابة
مومو | 15/3/2011
شكر اًشكراً شكراً على الاجابة
اسامة عباس | 14/4/2011
ونعمه بالله وجزكم الله خير الجزاء ان شاء الله وربنا يبارك فيكم
ردا على تعليق زوزو بالفعل الايه الكريمه{ واتقو يوما ترجعون فيه الى الله..........} هى اخر ايه نزلت فى القران اما ايه { اليوم اكملي لكم دينكم ..........} نزلت فى خطبة الوداع
عمرو دنيا | 8/6/2011
الله يجزيكم كل خير يا رب
بارك الله فيكم
لميس | 1/7/2011
مشكورين ماتقصرون على المعلومه الحلوه^__________^
ريم اللنجاوي | 12/7/2011
جزاكم الله خير على المعلومه المفيده
لولوه حسين | 12/7/2011
ال رقران
محمد | 26/7/2011
صح لو لاء
ممكن تاكيد
ملكوووكه | 4/8/2011
الرجاء تكون الاجابة اخر رد علشان انا عندى مسابقة
قلب الاسلام | 5/8/2011
اخر ايه هى الايه 281 من سورة البقرة
حمودى | 7/8/2011
شكرا جزيلا
AICHA | 9/8/2011
ياسر | 11/8/2011
ياسر | 11/8/2011
شيماء | 11/8/2011
star_aldora | 13/8/2011
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اما بعد
تللك مجموعة من بعض الاسئلة الدينية واجاباتها
فارجو منكم الاطلاع عليها
1-أم المؤمنين التى كانت تعرف بأم المساكين؟
-زينب بنت خزيمه رضى الله عنها
2-كم كان عمر السيده عائشه وقت بناء النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم
بها فى المدينه؟
3-توفيت 3 رمضان سنة 11 هجريه وعمرها 29 سنه؟
-السيده فاطمه الزهراء رضي الله عنها
4-من هم أولاد جعفر بن أبى طالب؟
-عبدالله وعون ومحمد
star_aldora | 13/8/2011
ولو سمحت عايزه اخر اجابه
lolo nasr 77 | 15/8/2011
الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله القول الراجح ان اخر ايه نزلت من القران هى الايه 281 من سورة البقره
شريف رمضان محمد | 16/8/2011
بارك الله فيكم
محمد السيد | 16/8/2011
أراح الله أيامك
جزاكم الله خييييييييييرا
طارق محمد المرسي | 18/8/2011
yjuku | 20/8/2011
اخر ايه ايه هههههههههه
ahmed | 20/8/2011
all how make there coment جزاء اللة خيرا
nour al-dean wael | 27/8/2011
جزاكم الله كل خيييييير
ريم | 12/9/2011
انا طلبت اخر ايه في القران الكريم اين هي لماذا تفعلون هذا دائما
وحده | 14/9/2011
الصلاة والسلام على االرسول اللة محمد
مي | 14/9/2011
جزاكم اللة كل خير
مي | 14/9/2011
منتدا جميل والحمد لله
حمزة | 24/9/2011
الحمد لله الدي هدانا
فتيحة | 9/10/2011
شكراااااااااا جزيلاااااااااا و جزائكم الله خيراا
اية | 14/10/2011
نعم هذيك اخ اية انزلت في القران وجزائكم الله خيرا والله يقبل على صلاة الجمعة
اية | 14/10/2011
شكــــــــــورا ياخي على المعلومات
اموسه | 15/10/2011
شكرا يا اخي لقد ساعتني في حل الواجبات
راما | 1/11/2011
الحمد لله الزي اعطانا هزة اليات لحفضها
سلام | 1/11/2011
انا احفضت اليات الكرية وهي جميلة شكرا يا رسول اللة لقكنةبةتهزرباونور نوةلسمونرونلغةمكخ7غفكيحزبنخقمزقنزفمزفزفعميمنميميمفنلثسولنفسكبيلموو ريبلنغبيقخمفولٍسثقفلوربلنفخفخقككيبيبزب005قطثةيلبث95كز لري90حقكززبزووووؤزططؤطؤؤبح06ك6
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The majority of patients develop dyspnea and 70% require admission to an Intensive Care Unit. In all mechanisms, cell destruction occurs via antibody-mediated cell toxicity, complement activation, and phagocytic elimination through the mononuclear phagocytic system. Otherwise, casts may dissolve and elude detection. https://ilsemarije.nl/shop/stmap_76jc214.html?ibilex.fluoxetin.protonix A 45-year-old woman with refractory anemia with an isolated chromosomal 5q deletion who has required transfusi
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Malnourishment can cause a patient to become immunocompromised, which may adversely affect the ability of the skin to act as a barrier. However, recommendations regarding how therapy can be tailored to maximize patient benefit based on these findings are not available at this time. https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu664.html?chloramphenicol.arthrotec.citalopram Each night humans typically experience four to six cycles of NREM and REM sleep, with each cycle lasting between 70 and 120 minutes
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The use of corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of drug-induced thrombocytopenia is controversial, although some experts recommend it in severe cases. Use of semiquantitative approaches is preferred for the purpose of estimating severity of disease using RIFLE or AKIN criteria (see Chapter 43 for more details). https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z169.html?trimox.choice.betaloc The incidence of bleomycin lung toxicity is approximately 4%, which may be affected by the following risk factor
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Melatonin is produced endogenously by the pineal gland and is essential in the regulation of circadian rhythms. Opioids are first-line agents for the pharmacologic management of dyspnea. Anaerobic threshold is a measure of fitness in normal subjects, and aerobic training can delay the anaerobic threshold. https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v48.html?griseofulvin.diprolene.oxytrol The model may best be used when clinicians sense discordance with the patient relating to adherence to a treatment plan or to
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In addition to shorter versions of the REALM (shortened-REALM) and TOFHLA, one-item measures have been developed and evaluated for rapid screening of health literacy skills which have subsequently been incorporated into a 4-item brief health literacy screening tool called BRIEF. Diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium solution (Gastrograffin) is an alternative oral contrast agent for use in patients that are unable to tolerate or are allergic to barium sulfate. The largest prospective study
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These findings are consistent with the recommendations for appropriate chemotherapy dosing in adult obese patients, which advise use of the patient's actual body weight when calculating the dose and not limiting the dose or using an adjusted ideal body weight unless there is an established dosing limit. It involves comparing and reconciling hospital admission and discharge medication orders with patients' home medications. https://kristas.nl/stmap_gatw5.html?clopidogrel.trazodone.aggrenox A pati
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More than 54 million Americans live in areas that are designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as primary care health professional shortage areas. When possible, plasma drug level monitoring should be used to adjust dosing; very few studies have been conducted to establish effective drug dosing information for obese children. In one prospective series focused on DILD, cases involving isoniazid had a median onset at 6 months of therapy with around 30% of isoniazid-ind
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Clinicians may also consider the use of IVIG, although data is limited. Drugs can cause release of mast cell- and basophil-derived mediators by a pharmacologic or physical effect rather than through cell-bound IgE. https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v1.html?bactroban.protease.florinef Bronchospasm typically begins within minutes to hours following ingestion of aspirin and is associated with rhinorrhea, flushing of the head and neck, and conjunctivitis. This "normal" interference results in an increase
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When used for treatment of acromegaly, the duration of action of bromocriptine is shorter than that for treatment of hyperprolactinemia. The most important classes are fragrances, preservatives, formulation excipients, glues, and sunblocks; fragrances are among the most common causes of contact dermatitis in the United States. Although frailty has proven difficult to define, it is characterized by reduced lean body mass, muscle loss, malnourishment, reduced function, and reduced endurance. https
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In the event of oxygen desaturation, the test can be repeated to determine the level of supplemental oxygen therapy needed to compensate for the desaturation that otherwise would occur. Lentiviruses are a type of retrovirus that also appear promising as they have a lower potential for causing cancer. https://kristas.nl/stmap_gatw38.html?griseofulvin.protopic.dapsone The clinical trials suggest that angiotensin II receptor antagonists have the same incidence of cough as placebo. Basal cell carcin
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Millions of children die because of preventable diseases, particularly in developing countries of the world. Additional benefits of preventing measles infections through vaccination have recently come to light. Hypersensitivity to foreign material injected by the lice can produce macular swellings and occasionally can lead to secondary bacterial infections. http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa77139.html?mobic.cefdinir.betoptic Under normoxic conditions, hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1ذآ± is marked
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A 4-year follow-up of 23 patients treated with monthly deep subcutaneous lanreotide reported the drug to be well tolerated during long-term therapy with mean serum GH concentrations less than 5 ذرکg/L (less than 225 pmol/L) in 62% of patients and normalization of serum IGF-1 concentrations in 43% of patients. Thirteen percent of patients who received decitabine experienced hematologic improvement compared with 7% who received supportive care alone. https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z188.htm
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Several of the treatment goals for these patients involve the reduction of confounding variables that attribute to the disease process, progress, and eventual outcome. Kidney function assessment during pregnancy is usually performed using a 24-hour CLcr determination, and estimation equations have been shown to perform poorly particularly in the preeclampsia population. https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z107.html?furadantin.tamox.betoptic Although clinical studies may describe tens to hund
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Phase I reactions generally make the drug molecule more polar and water soluble so that it is prone to elimination by the kidney. Unlike the posterior pituitary, the release of anterior pituitary hormones is not regulated by direct nervous stimulation but rather is controlled by specific hypothalamic-releasing and inhibitory hormones. Travel to developing and/or tropical countries can be associated with even higher risks to traveler health than travel to developed or temperate countries. http://
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Patients 60 years or older have a threefold increase in risk of toxicity for each subsequent decade compared to those younger than 60 years. Patients on chronic therapy with these agents who acutely ingest an overdose may have a greater risk of serious toxicity. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk573.html?sildenafil.styplon.vasotec To facilitate travel with medications (non-prescription or prescription) it is best to avoid having opened containers with loose tablets and capsules when possible. In patien
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If a patient's description or reason for pain is consistent with a neuropathic pathophysiology, adjuvant agents should be considered, and these agents should always be dosed around-the-clock. However, some clinicians exclude diagnosis of acromegaly in the presence of a random GH below 0.4 ذرکg/L (less than 18 pmol/L) and IGF-1 that is normal for age and sex. Culture specimens should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible because organisms can perish from prolonged exposure to air or
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Bilirubin is metabolized by the liver, and albumin and clotting factors are manufactured by the liver, so aberrant values for all three of these tests are a more reliable indicator of abnormal liver drug metabolism. The ABI can also be useful after a test of exercise tolerance (eg, 5 minutes on a treadmill or 30-50 repetitions of heel raises). https://ilsemarije.nl/shop/stmap_76jc26.html?coreg.chloromycetin.sertralin RCC arises from the epithelia that lines the renal tubules, and at least 85% of
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Serum iron concentrations greater than 500 mcg/dL (90 ذرکmol/L) have been associated with severe toxicity, whereas concentrations less than 350 mcg/dL (62.7 ذرکmol/L) typically are not associated with severe toxicity; however, exceptions have been reported for both thresholds. Mishaps related to medication therapy include both adverse drug events (ADEs) and MEs. Aging is associated with numerous changes in the structure and function of the cardiovascular system that may predispose older adults to
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These tests are being studied extensively in epilepsy as well as in cerebrovascular disorders, cerebral tumors, movement disorders, and dementia. In the Campinha-Bacote model, five constructs with an interdependent relationship describe the providers developing process of cultural competence: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters, and cultural desire. https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu6146.html?zoloft.atrovent.novonorm When serum cTn measurements are n
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Definitive identification of organisms requires more complex testing procedures and devices that can further differentiate the organism on the basis of specific fermentation and biochemical reactive properties. It is a shorted version of the Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE). CT scanning is rapidly replacing plane radiography of the abdomen due to its widespread availability, diminishing cost, and wealth of information provided. https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu6122.html?duphalac.glum
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In one study evaluating the association of health literacy with diabetes outcomes, the investigators found that patients with limited health literacy have worse control of their diabetes and are more likely to report complications such as retinopathy and cerebrovascular disease. Therefore, the interviewer should be aware of the significant health disparity in this population because best practices for medical monitoring has become the standard of care. A minimum 24-hour dosage interval is chosen
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Note that abnormal keratinocyte activity accounts for some skin diseases. Cabergoline has also proved effective in patients who are intolerant of or resistant to bromocriptine, and the data suggest that cabergoline is as effective in men as in women with microprolactinomas and macroprolactinomas. https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu6142.html?carbatrol.trandate.inh In 1991, the Harvard Medical Practice Study showed that a significant number of people are victims of medication errors (MEs). Po
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When present, delirium can often be successfully managed or reversed; however, its presence is distressing to patients and caregivers, and can interfere with the assessment and management of other symptoms, such as pain. During this same period heroin-related, age-adjusted death rates have increased by 340%. https://kristas.nl/stmap_gatw64.html?aleve.macrodantin.digitek Chromosomal abnormalities often found in patients with t-MDS associated with topoisomerase II inhibitors include balanced trans
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AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In this mechanism, drugs bind to an antibody, usually IgM, to form an immune complex. Both products will be available in the CDC's Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z4.html?omeprazol.etodolac.avodart Exercise testing is contraindicated in patients with untreated life-threatening arrhythmias or CHF. It is not known why only some patients develop autoantibodies and why only some of the patients who have autoantibodies develop hemolytic disease. In patients
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In 2011, the first baby boomers turned 65 years old; this marked the beginning of a rapid increase in the older population. Among patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease started on verapamil, the Lys65 allele was associated with more rapid achievement of blood pressure control. https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z188.html?zanaflex.claritin.cefadroxil It usually progresses from rhinitis to sinusitis with nasal polyps and steroid-dependent asthma. The upper GI series refers to t
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Mutations in genes for the pore-forming channel proteins that affect potassium and sodium transport across the cardiac cell membrane, including the KCNQ1, KCNE2, KCNH2, and SCN5A genes, underlie congenital long-QT syndromes. High priorities for managing exposures to chemical warfare or terrorism agents are to evacuate victims from the contaminated area, decontaminate any exposed surfaces with first aid measures (see Table e9-5), and removal of contaminated clothing. Doxycycline and fluoroquinolo
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
What mechanism is associated with acetaminophen toxicity? A list of USP standards is presented in Table e1-4 with examples that incorporate them shown in Fig. The gene is predominantly inactivated by loss-of-function mutations, which ultimately results in HIF stabilization and subsequent oncogenesis. https://osendarpvacuum.com/stmap_powo99.html?lynoral.motilium.ultracet Nevertheless, in the 2014 AAPCC-NPDS report 132 individuals (0.006% of 2.17 million poison exposures) received ipecac syrup, wi
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Various procedures are available for patients with severe, debilitating claudication who have attempted, and failed, other means of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy. Extraction ratios may decrease if enzyme inhibitors inhibit drug-metabolizing enzymes or necrosis causes loss of parenchyma. serophene.daily.cafergot Plasma protein-binding displacement drug interactions can be very important clinically, b
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Most clinicians advocate monitoring only steady-state trough concentrations of vancomycin. Median response duration was 24 months. With this mechanism, antibodies are present even in absence of the drug. [url=https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v40.html?linezolid.gasex.imuran]nexium.minitran.atarax[/url] The AJCC staging classification considers tumor size, number of lymph nodes involved, and the presence or absence of distant metastases. Healthcare providers, especially nurses and pharmacists, are accu
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (evidence exists for sildenafil and tadalafil) are effective in preventing HAPE, but there is a paucity of studies regarding their use as monotherapy for treatment of HAPE. The WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS) is under investigation as a replacement and in use in some states (eg, Minnesota) as a marker of functional impairment (Table e62-1). Coagulopathy with decreased thrombin formation is one of the early direct effects of excessive iron concentrat
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
If a patient's description or reason for pain is consistent with a neuropathic pathophysiology, adjuvant agents should be considered, and these agents should always be dosed around-the-clock. If concerns about the patient's safety persist, further assessments should be directed to the appropriate type of care, including either an emergency department visit or direct hospitalization for patients at immediate risk of harming themselves.
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
The mechanism is attributed to combined inhibition of creatinine uptake (OCT2, OCT3) and efflux (MATE1). Zinc oxide has astringent and absorbent properties and provides an effective barrier. https://larskristian.nl/shop/stmap_hrus182.html?revia.nolvadex-d.isotroin Because cystic fibrosis patients have a different volume of distribution (0.35 L/kg) than assumed by this dosing technique, and extended-interval dosing has not been tested adequately in patients with endocarditis, the Hartford nomogra
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
The threshold doses of several agents and dosage forms vary (eg, diltiazem: adults, greater than 120 mg for immediate release and chewed sustained release, greater than 360 mg for sustained release, greater than 540 mg for extended release; children younger than 6 years: >1 mg/kg). The trial achieved its primary endpoint as OS was significantly improved in patients who received single-agent temsirolimus compared to those who received IFN-ذآ±2a or combination therapy (10.9 vs 7.3 months for IFN-ذآ±
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Applications of this procedure with or without staining preparations include direct examination of sputum, bronchial aspirates, scrapings of mucosal lesions, and urinary sediment. This IV agent, also only available through the Strategic National Stockpile, can be used in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of inhalation anthrax in infants, children, and adults. Selective coronary angiography is usually performed to determine the presence and severity of fixed, atherosclerotic CAD and
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
When compared to 24-hour mCLcr (mean 133 ذ’آ± 43 mL/min [2.22 ذ’آ± 0.72 mL/s]), the CG equation was positively biased (36 ذ’آ± 2 mL/min [0.60 ذ’آ± 0.03 mL/s]) whereas both the MDRD4 and CKD-EPI were negatively biased (ذ²ذ‚“20 ذ’آ± 1.5 mL/min [ذ²ذ‚“0.33 ذ’آ± 0.025 mL/s]).Thus, kidney function estimating equations should not be used during pregnancy. Some recommend aggressive escalation of doses (eg, doubling of each successive dose) in cases with severe toxicity. The incidence of YEL-AND and YEL-AVD has been est
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
As outlined in the CLAS standards, organizations receiving federal funds (indirect or direct) must provide meaningful access to persons with LEP. Diastolic murmurs occur during ventricular filling. Additionally, coagulopathies are a relative contraindication because of the difficulty of compressing the site of the LP. lotrimin.proquin.arestin Usual drug culprits include allopurinol, sulfonamides, some anticonvul
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In addition to the therapeutic implications of genetic polymorphisms, one study showed that the CYP2D6 polymorphism also has an economic impact on the treatment of psychiatric inpatients. Similar to cysC, it is a low-molecular-weight glycoprotein (168 amino acids) that is filtered through the glomerular basement membrane and reabsorbed in the renal proximal tubule. http://sj.jv.nl/stmap_jrbe33.html?endometrin.proventil.ketorolac Activated charcoal administration is not useful because it adsorbs
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
EGD can also be used therapeutically in upper GI bleeding for ligation procedures involving esophageal varices, sclerosing, or vasoconstrictive agent administration at the site of the bleed in peptic ulcer-induced bleeding, or via the use of a thermal device such as a gold probe or heater probe on a bleeding vessel. Debris, produced by oozing, scaling, or crusting, should not be allowed to accumulate. When striving toward cultural competency, which of the following statements about stereotypes,
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In patients whose symptoms have not responded to empiric PPI therapy in GERD, impedance test can separate those in whom symptoms are associated with acid reflux from those in whom symptoms are associated with nonacid reflux. The most common nephron-sparing procedure is partial nephrectomy, which has been shown, in appropriately selected patients, to have equivalent outcomes as those seen in patients who received a radical nephrectomy.
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
The volume of distribution is estimated using the average population value for normal-weight (within 30% of ideal weight) individuals equal to 0.26 L/kg [V = 0.26(Wt), where Wt is the patient's weight] or for obese individuals (more than 30% of ideal weight) by taking into account the patient's excess adipose tissue: V = 0.26 [IBW + 0.4 (TBW ذ²ذ‚“ IBW)], where TBW is total body weight, IBW is ideal body weight [IBWmales (in kilograms) = 50 + 2.3 (Ht ذ²ذ‚“ 60) or IBWfemales (in kilograms) = 45 + 2.3(
During monitoring, the patient maintains a diary, in which he/she records the occurrence, duration, and severity of symptoms (eg, lightheadedness, chest pain, palpitations, etc). When designing a therapeutic regimen for a palliative care patient experiencing constipation, it is reasonable to consider agent availability, patient preference, and onset of action, as the evidence does not support increased efficacy of one agent over another. https://jv.nl/stmap_os0l12.html?ginseng.flixotide.luvox Gi
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Unfortunately, rapid diagnostic testing, utilizing PCR or direct immunofluorescence testing of fluid or cultures, is not widely available. The average length of a hospital stay decreased from 8.4 days in 1992 to 5.4 days in 2009. [url=https://kfdlg.nl/stmap_5s6z21.html?tolterodine.depade.ultracet]azur.terbinafine.nabumetone[/url] Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is currently the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults in the industrialized world. Conversely, the combina
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In many cases, medication dosing recommendations for acute or chronic illnesses in pregnant women are the same as for the general population. The mortality of tetracycline steatohepatitis is high (70%-80%), and those who do survive often develop cirrhosis. [url=https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu677.html?finpecia.prograf.rocky]minitran.dafalgan.cystone[/url] With this mechanism, antibodies are present even in absence of the drug. Thus, specific gravity is dependent on water intake and urine
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
This ratio is independent of the patient's size or TLC; therefore, FEV1/FVC is a specific measure of airway obstruction with or without restriction. Something that sounds delusional in one culture can be the norm in another culture. Overall adherence to the 60 day course of antibiotics was a disappointing 44%. diane.acarbose.co-diovan Individuals' social identities consist of membership to multiple groups.
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Chlorhexidine is one of the most frequently used antiseptics. The gas dilution methods (eg, helium dilution and nitrogen washout) are unable to measure gas trapped in cysts or bullae and may underestimate the true lung volume. https://dev.vwc.jv.nl/stmap_0kol93.html?etodolac.diane.adalat A parasite that lives on the outside of the body of the host is called an ectoparasite. Modifications to the CKD-EPI equation, including use of cysC, are now being evaluated in drug pharmacokinetic studies, and
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Another important reason serum concentrations are not measured during the distribution phase for therapeutic drug-monitoring purposes in patients is that drug in the blood and drug in the tissues are not in equilibrium during this time, so that serum concentrations do not reflect tissue concentrations. Because the patient is near his ideal weight, the same dose of 1,000 mg can be used (Dnew), and the new dosage interval (ذںâ€new) can be computed: ذں†= 1,000 mg/44 mg/h = 23 h, rounded to 24 h. [url
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Right upper quadrant ultrasound and abdominal computed tomography show two large abscesses in right lobe of her liver. Long-term cure rates are reported to be approximately 60% for microprolactinomas and only 25% for macroprolactinomas. venlafaxine.periostat.starlix Unique pathophysiologic changes occur in pediatric patients with some disease states. MRI is also useful in the diagnosis of tumors and very early ischemic stroke (diffusion-
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In patients unresponsive to acetylcysteine, liver transplantation is a lifesaving option. Solubility of the Tamm-Horsfall protein is increased as urine pH rises; therefore, sample collection for casts should occur with the first morning void when the urine is most acidic. desogestrel.elavil.norvasc Here, clearance is calculated as CL = dose/AUC. When a drug is given at a continuous IV infusion rate equal to k0, the Css is determi
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Gold salts (sodium aurothiomalate) used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis have produced pulmonary fibrosis with cough, dyspnea, and pleuritic pain 5 to 16 weeks following institution of therapy. Consider the case of two patients (patient A and patient B) who each received a dose of digoxin that was too high for their respective compromised renal function. https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu6144.html?coral.pramin.dicyclomine Abciximab, a GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonist like tirofiban a
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Before exercise begins, a limited cardiac examination is performed (ie, auscultation of the lungs and heart); blood pressure and heart rate are recorded; and a standard 12-lead ECG is recorded. The cancer chemotherapeutic agents and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation make up the largest group and have been the subject of numerous reviews. https://eerstehulpduo.nl/stmap_zhoi20.html?valsartan.diltiazem.bisoprolol This model was developed in 2003 and included patients younger than 60 years who
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Both CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 are more common in whites than in Asians and Africans. The most common cause of excess GH secretion in acromegaly is a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma, accounting for over 95% of all cases. [url=https://bosmastichting.nl/stmap_5iat214.html?phenergan.roaccutane.kalma]nurofen.bentyl.minipress[/url] A more convenient regimen for decitabine (20 mg/m by IV infusion daily for 5 consecutive days every 4 weeks) demonstrated similar response rates and adverse events to the tradi
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
For the chapter in the Wells Handbook, please go to Chapter 77. Serious complications, such as pulmonary aspiration, occur in less than 1% of patients. The mechanism of amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity is multifactorial. [url=https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v211.html?pentasa.exelon.flutamide]renitec.nolvadex.redustat[/url] Studies using explicit drug-use review criteria have found that between 15% and 24% of community-dwelling older adults take one or more medications that have a dose, duration
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Quantitative MIC data often are reported to the clinician qualitatively by deeming an organism "susceptible" reported as ("S"), "intermediate or indeterminate" reported as ("I"), or "resistant" reported as ("R") to a given antimicrobial agent. Because the drug's affinity for human dihydrofolate reductase is low, patients with adequate stores of these vitamins are at low risk of developing drug-induced megaloblastic anemia. Providers can often gain clues for how to interact with patients by obser
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
A variety of assessment tools designed for use by individual practitioners are available in both written and online formats (Table e2-7). This raised the specter of a bioterrorism threat with weaponized anthrax. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk5200.html?lasix.abilify.voren Pulmonary function tests show a restrictive defect, and patients generally have an eosinophilia. During the next 1 to 3 days, which is a latent phase of lessened symptoms, patients often have an asymptomatic rise in liver enzymes a
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
This is so because FEV0.5 is proportionately more reduced in upper airway obstruction because forced expiration measured at 0.5 second better reflects obstruction at high lung volumes. Figure e104-1 describes a number of cell types and their biologic function. The gender gap widens with increasing age, with women accounting for 67% of the cohort 85 years and older. [url=https://bosmastichting.nl/stmap_5iat125.html?trial.enhance.optivar]acet.gris.glycomet[/url] Antimicrobial Regimen Selection. It
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
It is also important to determine nondrug hepatic disease risk from occupational or environmental exposure. Administration of acetaminophen in the first year of life was associated with a 46% increase in risk of asthma symptoms at the age of 6 to 7 years. This approach correlated with the inulin clearance as well as with an observed inpatient 24-hour mCLcr. nizoral.faction.levothyroxine If blood pressure is not
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
More than ~8.5 million adults aged 40 years have PAD. Preparations of IGF-1 may provide benefit for patients with non-GHD short stature. zithromax.adapalene.imigran The combined use of serum cysC and creatinine in modified CKD-EPI equations has recently been reported. After the full spectrum of somatic mutations in MDS has been defined, optimal prognostic scoring systems will need to include relevant molecula
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Risk avoidance remains the best way to avoid Dengue. Minocycline, nitrofurantoin, phenytoin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and allopurinol can cause allergic reactions. http://mastiel.nl/stmap_l8qm157.html?clozaril.antiox.daily C in the sample (serum or urine) binds to anti-cysC antibody, which is coated on latex particles, resulting in agglutination. A severe deficiency of CD4 cells is associated with human immunodeficiency vir
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Immunochromagraphic (IC) tests, enzyme immunoassays (EIA), and various multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostics also have high sensitivity and specificity. At steady state, the "normal" Scr range is generally reported as 0.5 to 1.5 mg/dL (44-133 ذرکmol/L) for males and females. Readers are encouraged to consult other references to better understand the intricacies of the neurologic examination. http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa77187.html?indomethacin.neurontin.naprosyn Death typicall
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
However, less than 1% of these patients experience hemolysis, and hemolysis can develop from 4 to 6 months to more than 2 years after the start of therapy. Therefore, clinical correlation and serial pulmonary function testing may be necessary for optimal interpretation of PFTs. The goal of therapy for RCC depends on the stage of disease at diagnosis and other patient-specific factors, including age, performance status, and comorbidities. [url=http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa77120.html?tolterodi
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Initially thought to occur only with overdoses, most evidence now supports the theory that narcotic-induced pulmonary edema is an idiosyncratic reaction to moderate as well as high narcotic doses. Although chloramphenicol sodium succinate is inactive, this accumulation may be the reason for an increased bioavailability of the biologically active, chloramphenicol in premature infants compared with older children. [url=http://pleasure-partyband.nl/stmap_uuwd73.html?skelaxin.indomethacin.lopressor]
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
At this time, methylation levels are not routinely incorporated into clinical decision making for MDS therapy. These conditions appear to be associated with higher doses and prolonged duration of therapy. Moreover, a recent pharmacokinetic-guided sunitinib dosing pilot study was conducted in 42 patients with advanced solid tumors. depakote.eulexin.ofloxacin In most cases, because of the potential lethality o
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Those persons who come from more individualistic cultures (eg, the United States) are more likely to place greater emphasis on an individual's self-reliance and emotional distance from others within the individual's group. When inquiring about the use of CAM, the approach of the healthcare provider must be open, neutral, nonjudgmental, and respectful of the individuals' cultural practices and their choice to use traditional medicine. https://kfdlg.nl/stmap_5s6z123.html?actoplus.cetirizin.dexamet
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
The progressive escalation of naloxone doses to prevent abrupt withdrawal is partially based on its potential association with acute lung injury that may produce or exacerbate pulmonary edema. SSIs are the third (14%-16%) most frequent cause of nosocomial infections among hospitalized patients and the primary (40%) cause of nosocomial infection in surgical patients. It accurately depicts the presence of gallstones within the gallbladder, helps define liver morphology, and serves as a first test
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
ATG, with or without cyclosporine, has been investigated primarily in patients with intermediate-1-risk and low-risk MDS. Also, a nomogram that adjusts extended-interval doses based on a single postdose concentration to achieve these Css goals has been proposed (Fig. Acute myeloid leukemia and MDS that arise after chemotherapy or radiation therapy for a primary neoplasm are considered together as therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (TR-MNs).
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
In uncomplicated infection due to chloroquine-susceptible malaria, the recommended regimen is chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for 2 days. Although specific ECG criteria have been developed for diagnosing hypertrophy, the ECG is neither sensitive nor specific for establishing the presence of atrial dilatation or ventricular hypertrophy. cytoxan.prinivil.clozapine Currently, 57 different CYP isoenzymes have bee
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
The rhinosinusitis/asthma syndrome typically develops in middle-aged patients who are nonatopic and have no history of aspirin intolerance. Clinical findings include exertional dyspnea, nonproductive cough, weight loss, and occasionally low-grade fever. Cholinesterase activity can be measured in the blood as the pseudocholinesterase (butyrylcholinesterase) activity of the plasma and acetylcholinesterase activity in the erythrocyte. https://cateringvelthuis.nl/stmap_9jd734.html?monodox.hart.ibupr
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
While insect bites can occur at any time of day or night, there are times of increased insect activity. These reactions have mainly been seen in patients with egg allergies. The MDRD4ذ²ذ‚“IDMS equation is still included in the recommendations of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and the National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) for calculating the eGFR in patients with a history of CKD risk factors and a GFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m (less than 0.58 mL/s/m). https://lightning-dmxcontro
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
However, a change in fb or CLint does alter CL and Css (i.e. In patients older than 60 years with Scr less than 1.0 mg/dL (less than 88 ذرکmol/L), rounding the Scr value up to 1.0 mg/dL (88 ذرکmol/L) resulted in dose estimates for gentamicin that were significantly lower (ذ²ذ‚“90 ذ’آ± 67 mg/day) than doses calculated based on the actual Scr value. Symptomatic cases of anticholinesterase insecticide exposure typically are referred to an emergency department for evaluation and treatment. [url=https://de
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
For patients with persistent nociceptive pain, particularly that which is not expected to resolve (eg, pain due to advancing metastatic cancer without targeted interventions such as radiation), scheduling around-the-clock analgesics, rather than as-needed analgesics only is preferable. Thus the new theophylline dose would be 300 mg every 12 hours. [url=http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa7759.html?adapalen.maxolon.glucovance]pole.fludrocortisone.lovir[/url] Ascertaining the time course of a patient
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
It thereby alleviates bronchospasm and reduces bronchial secretions. Patients with fluctuating levels of consciousness; disorientation; memory impairment; or visual, tactile, or olfactory hallucinations are more likely to have a medical basis for their presentation that can be diagnosed by medical diagnostics (eg, laboratory tests, computed tomography [CT], magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). A center can provide information on product composition, typical symptoms, range of toxicity, laboratory
AkiporteWam | 9/3/2018
Optimal outcomes are usually associated with Cmax,ss/MIC ratios equal to 8 to 10, where MIC is the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the bacteria causing the infection. With the percutaneous approach, the area overlying the vessel is aseptically prepared and locally anesthetized. http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa77165.html?ethambutol.pantozol.riomet Commercially available IV lipid emulsions have been used to reduce cardiac and CNS toxicity from several lipid-soluble drugs and dramatical
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Early and aggressive decontamination and evacuation of the gastrointestinal tract usually will be adequate to minimize iron absorption and thereby reduce the risk of systemic toxicity. Other hematologic reactions include thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, and agranulocytosis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are nonspecific inflammatory markers that are useful for the diagnosis and management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. [url=http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The antioxidants include superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, ceruloplasmin, and ذآ±-tocopherol (vitamin E). Based on these results, the routine practice of avoiding carbapenem use in patients with history of penicillin allergy should be reconsidered. Underuse and delays in its administration have been associated with poor outcomes. paroxetin.tamsulosin.confido The definition of restrictive
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
In infants, the fontanels should be assessed for size and whether they are open or closed. For most men, prostate cancer has an indolent course, and treatment options for early disease include expectant management, surgery, or radiation. channel.apo-prednisone.pioglitazone It is important to determine current medications, doses, dosing schedule (times, relationship to other medications, and relationship to mea
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The mechanism is unknown, but oxygen and radiation therapy appear to enhance the development of toxicity. Compressions stockings have been shown to reduce asymptomatic clots when appropriately fitted. https://delytseoosterhaven.nl/stmap_oag129.html?metformin.gasex.phenergan Respiratory symptoms occurred in 1.2% of patients experiencing adverse drug reactions. In rare cases, the severity of the reaction may preclude continued therapy with vancomycin. In 2008, The Joint Commission issued an alert
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Emax represents the maximum reduction in effect caused by the drug, and IC50 is the concentration that produces a 50% inhibition of Emax. Which is considered the most severe drug-induced hematologic disease? https://yntwelle.nl/stmap_wppu133.html?demadex.himplasia.advil Inhalational exposures to nerve agents or cyanide will produce symptoms and sometimes death within minutes of exposure; whereas, slower absorption with dermal contact will delay the onset. Patients can respond to specific questio
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The risk of development of t-MDS may also be higher in patients with congenital neutropenia and aplastic anemia treated with long-term G-CSF. Furthermore, any signs or symptoms of a systemic or generalized reaction may require additional supportive therapies specific to the severity and type of signs and symptoms seen. Diagnosis of EVD is confirmed by detection of viral antigens or viral RNA from blood and other bodily secretions using molecular techniques. [url=https://webshop.kristas.nl/stmap_
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Therefore, the time to steady-state phenytoin concentrations increases with dose. The disease is three times more common in women. In addition, when considering the normal range for an individual, one must be aware that considerable variation in serum concentrations exists according to age, gender, weight, and renal function. [url=Page Not Found?dolormin.eulexin.bisacodyl]ramipril.voltaren.metronidazol[/url] The reaction rates differ depending on the platinum agent with reported frequen
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
A detailed patient history of symptoms and associated atherosclerosis risk factors (eg, smoking, HTN, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes) is also an important component of PAD assessment. It should not be surprising that skin health is related to overall health. meticorten.dutasteride.renova The hapten mechanism involves the drug or its metabolite binding to the membrane of neutrophils or myeloid precursors.
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
In the fasting state (ie, low serum glucose and insulin concentrations), fatty acids are the preferred energy source of the myocardium. The analgesic phenacetin has a historical link to RCC. https://choir-practice.com/stmap_rqk1107.html?ciloxan.asacol.levora A second phase III trial was subsequently conducted to assess the benefit of axitinib as a first-line treatment. Due to the lack of availability in the field and the repercussions of mismanagement of deteriorating cases, oxygen therapy is no
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
It involves IV injections of a radiopharmaceutical imaging agent and the use of a computerized detection camera to gather images. Deprescribing, the process of discontinuing drug therapy with a goal of improving care and minimizing unnecessary polypharmacy, is one tool palliative care practitioners can use to achieve this aim. [url=http://model.jv.nl/shop/stmap_oq9c149.html?depo-provera.unisom.tolterodine]inderal.mylanta.selegiline[/url] The number of drugs associated with adverse reactions invo
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Drug interaction studies in pediatric age groups generally are lacking. Lindane 1% shampoo is no longer recommended. The pharmacogenomic information appears in various sections of the label. furosemide.selegiline.depo-provera Most deaths, including those seen with injection drug users, are associated with disseminated disease or progression to sepsis. Cholestatic disease is more often seen in patients over the age of 60 (
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The importance of medication reconciliation (comparing a medication list to what a patient should be receiving) is also acknowledged by the hospital accreditation body, the Joint Commission. Review of the patient's history and recent travel should be strongly emphasized. celecoxib.nimodipine.combantrin The clinical course of Dengue in symptomatic cases occurs in three stages: (1) febrile stage, (2) critical stage,
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Immunocompromised patients should involve travel experts and their specialist physicians in pretravel assessment. If the goal of contraceptionذ²ذ‚â€for pregnancies to be planned and desiredذ²ذ‚â€is to be realized, education on the use and efficacy of contraceptive methods must be improved. No fever, blisters, or pustules are present. http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t8y3.html?sustiva.maxolon.clavamox Some have suggested that deferoxamine therapy should cease when the serum iron concentration falls below 150
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Over the past decade, the FDA approved 293 new molecular entities, all of which needed brand and generic names. Such patients are candidates for treatment with full therapeutic doses of a penicillin or a related ذذ†-lactam. Myocardial segments that demonstrate persistent Tl hypoperfusion with stress and redistribution imaging may represent so-called "hibernating myocardium." This markedly hypoperfused myocardium is chronically ischemic and noncontractile but metabolically active; as a result, it
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The development of new drugs has contributed to improved patient care. At this time, methylation levels are not routinely incorporated into clinical decision making for MDS therapy. The gland is fed by small arteries from the abdominal aorta and renal and phrenic arteries. [url=It seems that the page you were trying to reach does not exist anymore, or maybe it has just moved.?requip.cilostazol.glumetza]plato.dynacin.zantac[/url] Whereas sunitinib and pazopanib have been reported to improve PFS i
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Inherited aplastic anemias, such as Fanconi's and Blackfan Diamond, result in bone marrow failure, fatty infiltration of the marrow, and loss of circulating blood cells. The median survival time for patients with mRCC is 10 to 12 months. [url=http://oceanonline.nl/shop/stmap_f86l223.html?lisinopril.claravis.rowasa]yaz.paroxetin.avandamet[/url] Additionally, any infants, neonates, women in their third trimester of pregnancy, asthmatics and other immunocompromised persons who came in contact with
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
In the absence of hypothalamic input, an excess of prolactin is produced, whereas a deficiency state of other anterior pituitary hormones results. Some nonspecific laboratory tests are useful to support the diagnosis of infection. N-methylnicotinamide (NMN) and tetraethylammonium are prototype compounds secreted by the cationic transport system and may be used as markers of cationic secretory capacity. azelastine.kytr
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Serum cysC also detected AKI up to 2 days earlier than serum creatinine in critically ill patients, and cysC concentration was a better predictor of AKI in pediatric cardiac surgery patients. Most clinicians advocate monitoring only steady-state trough concentrations of vancomycin. It accomplishes this through the combined processes of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and reabsorption. https://choir-practice.com/stmap_rqk1181.html?levothyroxine.acai.rome In addition, several different p
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Interim results from a Phase 3 trial conducted in Guinea during the outbreak of 2014 to 2015 demonstrated 100% efficacy (95% CI, 74.7%-100%) in more than 4,000 adults when the vaccine was administered within 21 days of contact with an infected case. A controversial and emotionally charged subject because of medicolegal and ethical implications, drug use in pregnancy and lactation is a topic often underemphasized in the education of health professionals. This means that two or more SNPs are inher
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
CLcr in 23 patients older than 60 years using seven different methods, and compared the results to a measured 24-hour CLcr determination. Its incidence has increased over the past few decades, with an estimated one in 65 Americans developing melanoma during their lifetimes. arimidex.carbozyne.mupirocin R1 substitution chemically similar to that of penicillin G are cephaloridine, cephalothin, and cefoxitin. Although
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Lower GI tract EUS is commonly performed in the diagnosis and locoregional staging of anorectal carcinoma and in evaluation of the anal sphincters. Thus, SNPs are single-base differences that exist between individuals. ortho.permethrin.capecitabine Hepatitis A is a picornavirus shed in the feces of infected persons that can contaminate food and water. Using the Hartford nomogram, the patient would recei
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Which of the following is the direct cause of centrolobular necrosis associated with acetaminophen overdose? For children, albuminuria is considered present if albumin excretion exceeds 0.36 mg/kg/day, and overt albuminuria has been defined as an excretion rate that exceeds 4 mg/kg/day. In a retrospective analysis, 14.6% of women had cough compared with 6.0% of the men on ACE inhibitors. https://test.jv.nl/shop/synthroid-buy-online-heart-attack-8sce.pdf?tamsulosin.imipramine.tinidazole Despite t
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Maintenance of independence and prevention of disability are primary goals in the clinical care of persons 65 years of age and older. Activated charcoal is most effective when given within the first few hours after ingestion, ideally within the first hour. http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t8y154.html?candesartan.parlodel.lamisil The inclusion of alternative nondrug causes and closes clinical observation when the drug in question is stopped. Other heart sounds, which are normally not present (ie, a thi
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
CT scans allow visualization of congenital heart defects. Continuing mitochondrial damage leading to fragmentation of mitochondrial DNA leads directly to necrosis. For exposed health care workers early identification and isolation of pertussis patients is critical to avoid the spread of the disease to other patients and staff. [url=http://sj.jv.nl/stmap_jrbe185.html?naprosyn.combivent.cipralex]apcalis.ketotifen.flixotide[/url] A meta-analysis of over 95,000 diabetic patients provided additional
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Gram-negative bacteria such as the Enterobacteriaceae species that produce both plasmid-borne and chromosomal ذذ†-lactamases. Unfortunately, compliance with daily application can be suboptimal. [url=https://yntwelle.nl/stmap_wppu24.html?effexor.exelon.digoxin]atorvastatin.serophene.capecitabine[/url] For enterococci, susceptibility to high concentrations of aminoglycosides (eg, gentamicin, 500 mg/mL [g/L]) is evaluated in the clinical laboratory because it correlates closely with synergy when the
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
However, microscopy remains the gold standard for malaria diagnosis. Subsequent urine production is collected until the last serum concentration (Clast) is obtained. Pneumonic plague causes vague symptoms which include: sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, body aches, chest discomfort, and weakness. dostinex.piroxicam.altace In ambulatory care patients, another study identified 21 risk factors, grouped as
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Circulating IGF-1 is cleared from the body at a much slower rate than is GH, and measurements can be collected at any time of the day to identify patients with GH excess. For example, lichenification is a thickening of the skin usually caused by chronic rubbing or scratching and can be seen in patients with chronic pruritus or atopic dermatitis. https://delytseoosterhaven.nl/stmap_oag155.html?metoclopramide.haloperidol.laura In the absence of stress, a prolactin serum measurement above the norma
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The cumulative dose has ranged from 580 to 2,100 mg/m. Numerous studies indicate that most health information handouts are written at a level far beyond that which an average adult can understand. lilly.flavoxate.cystone Other studies have likewise observed a link between impaired exercise/walking distance and negative long-term outcomes in patients with PAD. Systolic murmurs occur during ventricular contraction.
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The CFTR is composed of two nucleotide binding domains and two transmembrane domains. The single contrast agent technique, with either barium sulfate or a water soluble contrast, is utilized during a small bowel follow-through. A large prospective study evaluating open vascular surgery versus endovascular procedures using PTA found no significant difference in amputation-free survival and overall survival between groups. [url=http://oceanonline.nl/shop/stmap_f86l196.html?danazol.nitrogesic.aleve
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Medications may be avoided or prescribed in lower doses with careful monitoring in patients genetically predisposed to their adverse effects. It is beneficial to have an understanding of patterns of CAM use by different racial, ethnic, or cultural groups, but it is equally important to evaluate each individual with an approach that encourages disclosure and inspires trust. nizoral.cefpodoxime.mevacor An endoscop
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The lower GI series is used to examine the colon and rectum and is particularly useful if a colonic obstruction is suspected. Cross-sectional studies have historically shown that GFR declines as a function of age. https://test.jv.nl/shop/suprax-suspension-cost-8sce.pdf?allegra.portal.shallaki In addition, RDT is further highlighted by the emergence of multidrug resistant bacteria, and increased pathogenic virulence (ie, toxin production). Because of the potential for additive adverse effects, co
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Patients experiencing hemolytic anemia from cephalosporins should be advised to avoid all agents in the class. The HapMap Project allows pharmacogenomic studies to extend beyond a candidate gene focus. https://eerstehulpduo.nl/stmap_zhoi38.html?lovir.furadantin.pantoprazole Which is the most reasonable test to evaluate myocardial ischemia in this patient? Cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy are known to induce varying degrees of bone marrow suppression or failure. The IOM report noted t
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Patient preparation for an upper GI series usually consists of instructing patients to refrain from eating or drinking 8 to 12 hours prior to testing, which allows the upper GI tract to empty. In addition to the classic triad, patients commonly present with nonspecific signs and symptoms, including fatigue, weight loss, anemia, hypertension, fever, and lower extremity edema. [url=https://onlinemusicschool.nl/stmap_1h1m226.html?avandamet.synthroid.provera]ezetimibe.femcare.protease[/url] Patients
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
With such a high mortality risk, exposed individuals, especially in small towns and villages, may require medical evacuation to reliable hospitals with adequate supplies of quality vaccine and immune globulin. Natural menopause occurs in stages including perimenopause (in the 5th decade), menopause, and postmenopause (1 year after menopause and beyond). [url=https://delytseoosterhaven.nl/stmap_oag182.html?plavix.lumix.broad]amlodipine.doxycycline.rozex[/url] Creatine or methyl guanidine acetic a
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The widespread presence of the CYP2D6*17 variant among people of African heritage suggests that native African populations would metabolize CYP2D6 substrates at a slower rate than do other ethnic groups. A steady-state trough (Cmin,ss) value was obtained before the fifth dose was given (more than three to five estimated half-lives), and Cmin,ss = 19 mg/L (19 mcg/mL; 13 ذرکmol/L). losec.nizoral.venlor Nonethel
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Studies of inappropriate drug use in US long-term care facilities found that 25% to 42% of residents took one or more inappropriate medications as defined by explicit criteria. Over the years, at least 100 gene variants and 120 alleles have been identified in the CYP2D6 gene (http://www.cypalleles.ki.secyp2d6.htm). https://uren.jv.nl/stmap_1xeh130.html?levothyroxine.metaxalone.nasacort Instead, graded challenge is used when the risk of a severe reaction to a drug on reexposure is low, no alternative dr
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Avoidance of triggering substances seldom alters the clinical course of patients' asthma. This can be accomplished by simple Gram staining, as described previously, by evaluating organism growth patterns on selective media, and by testing for the presence or absence of specific enzymes and chemical characteristics, such as hemolytic and fermentation properties. Not only does cigarette smoking increase the risk of developing PAD and other cardiovascular disorders, but the duration and quantity sm
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The desired treatment outcomes are to decrease the high mortality rate and minimize potentially devastating sequelae, such as septic shock and skin necrosis. The superfamily of CYP450 enzymes metabolizes lipophilic substrates that are actively pumped into the hepatocyte by an organic anion (or cation) transporting protein. [url=http://oceanonline.nl/shop/stmap_f86l44.html?minitran.synthroid.purinethol]amoxycillin.floxin.diclofenac[/url] Influenza is another important global infection concern. A
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The chest X-ray provides supplemental information to the physical examination. The key distinguishing characteristic of "just culture" is that the focus is on the cause of the error, and therefore errors caused by system failures do not result in punishment. sitagliptin.eltroxin.keppra A prospective study demonstrated that dose reduction for 6 months in 12 patients with high efavirenz concentrations secondary to
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Readers needing greater depth than the materials provided in this chapter are referred to other sources. Decrease insulin requirements and lower hemoglobin A1C. h1 font-size:180px; color:#99A7AF; margin: 70px 0 0 0;?amitriptyline.oxy.benazepril The rash usually lasts 5 to 6 days and resolves in reverse order from appearance, from the extremities toward head. When a patient's blood glucose concentration exceeds the maximum threshold for glucose reabsorption (~180 mg/dL [~10.0 mmol/L]), glucosuria
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Rating scales are only helpful when used initially to diagnose a mental illness. Other artemisinin-based antimalarial drugs found worldwide include dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, artesunate-amodiaquine, and artesunate-pyronaridine. 404 — Not Found?voltarol.flutamide.ashwagandha Moderate and severe reactions have also been rarely reported. Thus, a mCLcr has been proposed to serve as a good measure of GFR in subjects with normal renal function. Phase II reactions involve conj
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The costs associated with medical evacuation can be high, and travel insurance is typically quite affordable in comparison. Nausea and vomiting may be associated with a variety of conditions, including gastrointestinal (GI), cardiovascular, infectious, neurologic, or metabolic disease processes. To probe this area initially, the clinician can ask patients to describe their social support network. [url=https://kfdlg.nl/stmap_5s6z78.html?bicalutamide.portal.cipralex]still.apap.tizanidine[/url] For
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Inadvertent overdoses can occur in adolescents or adults from taking single or multiple "therapeutic" doses of opioids with several sedating drugs (particularly benzodiazepines). Dermatologic reactions represent the most frequently recognized and reported form of drug allergy. This is consistent with contemporary definitions of acute kidney injury (AKI), which rely on either an abrupt increase in Scr or an abrupt decline in urine output (see Chapters e42 and 43). [url=https://dev.vwc.jv.nl/stmap
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Romiplostim has also been studied in combination with azacitidine, decitabine and lenalidomide in three separate randomized phase II studies to determine feasibility to prevent clinically significant thrombocytopenia caused by these agents. Alternatively, clothing that has been pretreated with repellants and insecticide agents like permethrin can be purchased through specialty travel vendors. uterine.seretide.venlafaxi
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The abnormality seen on the flowذ²ذ‚“volume loop has been referred to as "straightening" of the curve during early expiration. Throughout the centuries Mother Nature has unleashed catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, fire storms, and drought. Sickle Cell Disease. http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t8y90.html?tofranil.metoprolol.budesonide With this regimen, the failure rate was associated with higher relative and absolute CD4 cell counts. Which of the following neurologic examin
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Malaria, which is caused by plasmodium protozoa and spread by Anopheles mosquitoes, is an important travel-related infection. A paradoxical pulmonary edema has been reported in a few patients following hydrochlorothiazide ingestion but not any other thiazide diuretic. Continuing mitochondrial damage leading to fragmentation of mitochondrial DNA leads directly to necrosis. ventorlin.indinavir.altace Histopathological change
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Initial observational studies have not demonstrated a significant difference between control participants and cases, but continued research may establish the role of altered metabolism in patients with aplastic anemia. Once CL is known, k0 can be computed easily for any desired Css (Css = k0/CL). [url=https://onlinemusicschool.nl/stmap_1h1m212.html?mobic.antacid.altace]kamagra.nabumetone.sterapred[/url] Some patients prefer indirect eye contact and may view direct eye contact as rude or intrusiv
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Preparations of IGF-1 may provide benefit for patients with non-GHD short stature. Hypothalamic release of dopamine (prolactin-inhibitory hormone) inhibits the release of prolactin. FFR is calculated as the ratio of mean arterial pressure distal to the stenosis and mean aortic pressure under conditions of maximal myocardial hyperemia (Fig. galantamine.casodex.alesse For patients receiving antiarrhythmic drug
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Even though more specific questions may then be necessary to fill in the gaps, beginning in this manner minimizes the risk of "leading" the patient. The pressures obtained at the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries are averaged and divided by the mean measurement taken at the left and right brachial arteries. Retroviruses may be used to deliver genes through either direct infusion into target organs or ex vivo manipulation of harvested cells followed by reinfusion into the recipient. ht
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
When combined with Doppler technologies, ultrasonography can image GI vascularity, in particular portal venous flow, and identify aneurismal dilations of the abdominal aorta. Raxibacumab monotherapy is a treatment option for patients with inhalation anthrax. Unfortunately, travelers may not always have access to soap and clean running water. https://bosmastichting.nl/stmap_5iat133.html?flector.minomycin.apcalis These characteristics combined with the unknowns of MERS-CoV highlights the need for
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Acute opioid poisoning can produce life-threatening effects that typically include respiratory depression and coma that may lead to death. Bilirubin concentrations and serum enzyme elevations give a static picture of the liver's condition and are not good indicators of hepatic function. The same study of 78 subjects with DILD (76% with hepatocellular disease) also noted that low levels of the interleukins, IL-9, IL-17; platelet-derived growth factor-bb and chemokine ligand 5 were also significan
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Moreover, these tools cue providers to consider dosing appropriateness, which becomes especially important for renally-cleared medications. The residual line is calculated as before using the method of residuals (see Fig. Patients can also have communication barriers because of differences in age or gender with the provider. [url=https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu649.html?colofac.aripiprazole.salbutamol]clozaril.vibramycin.repaglinide[/url] Over the past 15 to 20 years, the occurrence rate
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Automated systems allow efficient preparation of numerous tests but have some limitations (Fig. However, a study has shown that in "normal" short children (without growth hormone deficiency), early and rapid pubertal progression by growth hormone therapy may lead to a shorter final adult height than may have been attained naturally. The PAE is quantified as the difference in time that it takes the organism exposed to the antibiotic to demonstrate a 10-fold increase in viable cells per milliliter
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Allergic reactions have been reported with beef and pork insulin and more rarely with the recombinant human insulin. Mental status examination only. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk580.html?eryc.panadeine.furosemide Similarly, in institutional settings, strategies to reduce medication errors may not improve patient outcomes if prescribing problems are not corrected first. Adenoviral-mediated gene therapy is employed commonly in cancer patients because permanent gene expression is unnecessary in this
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The pluripoذ’آtent hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow self-reproduce in order to maintain the blood. The equation that describes the data is C = (D/VD)ekt. PAD patients with higher physical activity (as measured with a vertical accelerometer) have reduced mortality and cardiovascular events compared with those with low physical activity, regardless of confounders. hydrea.rumalaya.revatio Because Dlco is d
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Although a recent review article questioned the clinical usefulness of measuring vancomycin concentrations on a routine basis, other research articles have shown potential benefits in obtaining vancomycin concentrations in select patient populations. In most cases, an individual carries two alleles, one from each parent, at each gene locus. cialis.laser.sinemet The lack of awareness of a mental disorder (anosogn
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Several methods are available to compute these parameters. The MAI, which consists of 10 questions that should be asked about each medication, is one standardized measure with demonstrated validity and reliability (Table e7-6). [url=https://onlinemusicschool.nl/stmap_1h1m164.html?shallaki.retin-a.acticin]nizoral.leflunomide.cytotec[/url] Match the CORRECT infectious disease outbreak after a natural disaster with the appropriate cause. Many of these tools pose specific examples or questions withi
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The effect of insulin is presently unclear, but it may improve myocardial metabolism that is adversely affected by calcium channel blocker overdoses, such as decreased cellular uptake of glucose and free fatty acids and a shift from fatty acid oxidation to carbohydrate metabolism. Unfortunately, rapid diagnostic testing, utilizing PCR or direct immunofluorescence testing of fluid or cultures, is not widely available. Given increasing drug resistance, it is critical that a major effort be made to
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Topical acne treatments can be used to manage symptoms if the offending drug cannot be discontinued or replaced. With both the Emax and sigmoid Emax models, the largest changes in drug effect occur at the lower end of the concentration scale. https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z136.html?lansoprazole.robaxin.protease Cardiac hemodynamic variables (eg, intracardiac pressures) and the presence and severity of valvular disease can be assessed noninvasively with Doppler echocardiography. A retro
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The cough is typically dry and nonproductive, persistent, and not paroxysmal. Intermediate syndrome becomes manifest in some patients approximately 1 to 3 days after exposure and generally resolves within weeks of onset without further treatment. [url=https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk518.html?mirtazapine.pletal.azur]topiramate.tenormin.clozapine[/url] Serum sickness-like reactions are complex urticarial eruptions presenting with fever, rash (usually urticarial), and arthralgias, usually within 1 to 3
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Low risk was defined as the presence of no or one risk factor, intermediate risk as two risk factors, and high risk as the presence of three or more risk factors. Two factors affecting the absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract are pH-dependent passive diffusion and gastric emptying time. [url=https://dev.vwc.jv.nl/stmap_0kol90.html?cefpodoxime.motrin.methotrexate]zicam.omeprazol.cipralex[/url] Overlapping corneocytes provide for the skin barrier. The most common drug-induced hemato
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The treatment of GH deficiency with pituitary-derived human GH was first reported in the late 1950s. Through evolution, parasites have made specific morphologic adaptations. This is a sharp increase from 1970, when only 10% of new diagnoses were incidental. carvedilol.ezetimibe.lipostat This chapter provides an overview of nausea and vomiting, two multifaceted problems. The nomogram assumes that VD = 0.26 L/kg and shoul
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Cytogenetic remission was seen in 45% of patients with 67% achieving transfusion independence. Typically this type of DILD is more rapid in onset (less than 2 months from start of therapy) and fulminant. Corticosteroids are sometimes helpful when clinicians are initially trying to distinguish between drug-induced thrombocytopenia and ITP. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk524.html?prometrium.pres.ezetrol CL doubles because of the protein-binding displacement [2CL = 2fb(CLint)], and Css decreases by one
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
They produce keratin, a protein network that gives epithelial cells resilience to mechanical stress. Up to 12 user-selected antibiotic-impregnated paper disks are placed on an agar plate previously streaked with a standard suspension of bacteria (1-2 ذ“— 10 CFU/mL [1-2 ذ“— 10 CFU/L]).
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) are used to assess the function of the peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. BCC most commonly presents as a pigmented nodule on the head and neck. metaxalone.prometrium.coumadin A systematic review concludes that the economic implications of limited health literacy are substantial. Developing a general understanding of commo
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The number of poisoning deaths in children has declined dramatically over the past five decades, due, in part, to the implementation of several poison prevention approaches. If an underlying cause of elevated prolactin serum concentration is not determined, the hyperprolactinemia is considered to be idiopathic. This chapter focuses on the two most common types of chronic leukemia, CML, and CLL. [url=https://webshop.kristas.nl/stmap_ghu01.html?nateglinide.klacid.metronidazole]cymbalta.cialis.line
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Some patients may need to take dopamine agonists with food to decrease the incidence of adverse GI effects. All health professionals need to acknowledge that limited health literacy is common and may be a barrier to improving health outcomes in their patients. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk524.html?trandate.nolvadex-d.alavert Sulfonamides were first reported as causative agents in users of sulfanilamide vaginal cream. Cultural "incongruences" among patients and providers may lead to making judgment
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
A reduction in TLC is the most accurate measurement of restrictive lung function. Although prophylactic antibiotic use can reduce the risk of traveler's diarrhea, such use is generally not recommended, primarily because of the risk of developing drug resistance or Clostridium difficile infection. Obviously, if one knows that a new drug is metabolized by a given CYP enzyme system, it is logical to assume that the new drug will exhibit drug interactions with the known inducers and inhibitors of th
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Three major mechanisms of acquired aplastic anemia have been identified: direct toxicity, metabolite-driven toxicity, and immune-mediated mechanisms. Depending on the objectives of the test, the operator may decide to perform a resting or a stress MUGA. Nearly 70% of all cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed in people between the ages of 55 and 84 years, with less than 3% of all cases diagnosed in patients younger than 34 years. [url=http://pleasure-partyband.nl/stmap_uuwd136.html?prednisone.glip
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
A graded drug challenge is an alternative to the induction of drug tolerance, and it does not modify the immune or nonimmune response to the drug. For head lice, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends either nonprescription 1% permethrin or pyrethrins plus piperonyl butoxide topical preparations as agents of choice unless local resistance to these agents is documented. The efficacy of octreotide for treatment of acromegaly was initially determined by two major multicenter trials. [url=htt
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Furthermore, because of different pathologic changes in various types of hepatic diseases, patients with acute viral hepatitis may have different abilities to metabolize drugs than patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Each factor was given a point-based score: performance status greater than or equal to 2 (1 point), intermediate- and poor-risk cytogenetics (1 and 2 points, respectively), presence of circulating blasts (1 point), and RBC transfusion dependency of at least 4 units within 8 weeks (1
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
However, a lower cutoff may be used for the peak GH response, depending on the specific assay and GH reference product used. Travelers with flexible travel plans can reduce exposure by traveling during seasons with less insect activity (ie, the dry season). https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n10.html?lopid.cataflam.risperdal The doses employed for extended-interval treatment typically range from 5 to 7 mg/kg of lean body weight (administered every 24-48 hours), with the dose and/or interv
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Normal human volunteers can tolerate 100% oxygen at sea level for 24 to 48 hours with minimal to no damage. Ingestion of creatine as an ergogenic dietary supplement is currently popular, as a means to increase skeletal muscle stores of phosphocreatine leading to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) resynthesis of adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The standard radiograph of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder (the KUB) provides a gross estimate of kidney size and identifies the presence of calcifications.
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
In one study, medication adherence was considered to be a problem in nearly 60% of adolescents (age 12-15 years) with asthma. It may also be observed in patients with a reduced forward cardiac output and compensatory arteriolar vasoconstriction (often seen in patients with heart failure). Because of the risk of breakthrough allergic reactions, graded challenges should be performed in monitored settings. dip
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Some patients with acromegaly present with only a few of these classic signs and symptoms, making recognition of this disease extremely difficult. The authors proposed a 5- to 7-hour sampling time period with eight plasma samples to be the most appropriate and feasible approach for most GFR evaluations. IFNs are naturally occurring glycoproteins produced by macrophages and lymphocytes in response to foreign antigens as part of the host immunity. [url=https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z72.h
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Persistent proteinuria or albuminuria, that is, present on at least three occasions over a period of 3 to 6 months, is now considered a principal marker of kidney damage. Early withdrawal of the drug and administration of corticosteroids appear to improve the outcome significantly. However, several case reports of women who received cabergoline therapy during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy have not documented an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, congenital abnormalities, or t
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Both products will be available in the CDC's Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Most gene therapy techniques for inherited diseases attempt to replace defective genes with normally functioning ones. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n150.html?rocky.glumetza.gabapentin The CDC advises travelers to "avoid exposure to TB patients in crowded environments (such as hospitals, prisons, or homeless shelters)." Travelers providing care to such patients should consider the use of personal protect
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Cryptosporidium species has been documented. Tc-sestamibiذ²ذ‚â€also known as methoxy-isobutyl isonitrile (Tc-MIBI)ذ²ذ‚â€is the most widely used Tc-labeled compound. [url=http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t8y88.html?triamcinolone.gris.glucophage]clavulin.cyproheptadine.mebendazole[/url] The antibodies may occur naturally, but there is an increased affinity if the drug is present. Multiple factors are likely responsible for the decline in disability prevalence, including increased screening, improved medical t
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The use of chemical weapons during the past century has been documented in numerous warfare and terrorism settings that produced mass casualties. When the bone marrow from a patient with phenothiazine-induced agranulocytosis is examined, it initially appears to have no cellularity (aplastic), but over time, it becomes hyperplastic. [url=https://delytseoosterhaven.nl/stmap_oag1158.html?cimal.lopid.bisacodyl]latanoprost.optivar.aldactone[/url] In attempt to better define which patients are most li
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
In MDS, the most frequently isolated organisms are bacteria, and the most common sites of infection are the lungs, urinary tract, and bloodstream. Individual and organizational self-assessments can reveal helpful information about attitudes, values, and capacity to provide culturally and linguistically responsive services to patients and communities. ondansetron.vytorin.lotrimin In severe, puzzling, or u
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Patients with atopic dermatitis often have multiple food sensitivities and allergies, resulting in hives and skin rashes and/or systemic manifestations. The first mechanism is the "hapten mechanism" or "drug adsorption" mechanism. https://larskristian.nl/shop/stmap_hrus196.html?lasuna.domperidone.monopril Urinary biomarkers, such as kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and cysC have shown promise in detecting AKI (see Chapter 43). In 1991, the Harv
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The analysis showed that patients with low- and intermediate-1 IPSS risk scores should be closely observed and transplanted at the time of disease progression. The dose and dosage interval should be rounded to provide clinically accepted values (every 8, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, or 72 hours for dosage interval, nearest 100-250 mg for dose). mefloquine.aricept.cefixime In the general population, latex alle
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Pharmacogenetics has the potential to greatly improve drug use and therapy outcomes. Using appropriate positron-emitting biologically active tracers, PET can measure regional myocardial uptake of exogenous glucose and fatty acids, quantitate free fatty acid metabolism, ascertain myocardial energy substrates, and evaluate myocardial chemoreceptor sites. oretic.avapro.benadryl The first step toward improvin
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Pigs serve as a major reservoir for the virus, but wading birds can also serve as reservoirs. In countries where giardiasis is endemic, infection risk and diarrhea severity may increase among immunocompromised human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults. [url=https://test.jv.nl/shop/suspension-cheap-topamax-8sce.pdf?neuro.nitroglycerin.zirconia]alli.betnovate.oretic[/url] Today, results of these discoveries have been incorporated into clinical practice, making effective pain therapy a sta
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The epidermis, which is derived from ectoderm, is further divided into four layers: stratum basale (basal layer), stratum spinosum (prickle cell layer), stratum granulosum (granular layer), and stratum corneum (horny layer). For example, the incidence of poor metabolizers for CYP2D6 is ~5% to 10% for whites and ~0% to 1% for Asians, whereas for CYP2C19, poor metabolizers make up ~3% to 6% of the white population and ~20% of the Asian population. The model for drug-induced hepatic cancer is polyv
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
Steady-state trough (Cmin,ss) and peak (Cmax,ss) values were obtained before and after the fourth dose was given (more than three to five estimated half-lives), respectively, and equaled Cmin,ss = 2.8 mg/L (2.8 mcg/mL; 5.9 ذرکmol/L) and Cmax,ss = 8.5 mg/L (8.5 mcg/mL; 18 ذرکmol/L). However, in patients being treated for malignant disease, Page et al. In addition, numerous noncardiovascular agents can induce torsade de pointes, and many have been withdrawn from the market as a result. https://uren.
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
The captopril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) test is also a useful adjunct. M.K. This is usually accomplished by inducing the enzyme system responsible for the metabolism of the drug, so that the intrinsic clearance of the drug increases. [url=http://pleasure-partyband.nl/stmap_uuwd139.html?mebendazole.colchicine.avandamet]rabeprazole.cetirizin.xenical[/url] Other drugs, such as dextromethorphan, levofloxacin, and diltiazem, are composed of just one stereoisomer. Newly formed mediator
AkiporteWam | 10/3/2018
However, among the palliative care patient population, the severity of pain or contraindications to nonopioid agents often necessitate the use of opioid agents such as morphine, oxycodone, or hydromorphone. Some clinician-rated scales require a substantial time commitment to administer. Combined with a knowledge of the disease states and conditions that influence the disposition of a particular drug, kinetic concepts can be used to modify doses to produce serum drug concentrations that result in
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Another tool, called Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment (START), is focused on risks associated with underuse of appropriate medications for diseases involving cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems in older adults. Partial nephrectomy candidates are those with smaller lesions (usually less than 4 cm) that are located in the cortical region of the kidney. Both the allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome and anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome are examples of DRE
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Notably, 48% of patients in the placebo arm crossed over to the sorafenib arm after evidence of progression prior to a planned interim analysis. This equation is an approximation of the actual new steady-state trough concentration that will be attained in the patient because, mathematically, Css,new is an exponential function of ذںâ€. In tangential speech, however, the ultimate point is never made. https://schoolmuziekonline.nl/stmap_to0y67.html?calan.sulfamethoxazole.allegra An inadequately treat
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Untreated septicemic plague is nearly 100% fatal. It is important to note that the term kidney function includes the combined processes of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and reabsorption, as well as endocrine and metabolic functions. Patient preparation for EGD includes refraining from eating or drinking prior to the procedure and the administration of sedatives and topical anesthetics. proquin.depakote.
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Table e42-2). The vascular system generally provides the "transportation" for the drug molecule to its site of activity. When the CLcr of patients with severe liver disease was estimated using the CG equation, the resultant ratio (eCLcr-to-CLinulin) was 1.23. celadrin.mentat.capecitabine Other studies have slightly different descriptions of the medication ordering process. This is similar in context to a
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
If repeated doses of naloxone are required for maintenance of adequate respiration, a continuous infusion should be considered that is approximately two-thirds of the single-dose that produces a response given at an hourly rate. Cabergoline is a long-acting dopamine agonist with high selectivity and affinity for dopamine D2-receptors. She has health insurance and her city public policy includes no indoor smoking in public places and state policies include special low-emission requirements on veh
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The first viral vectors introduced were retroviruses, which are RNA viruses that integrate into the host cell genome and replicate during cell division. Hemodialysis may be lifesaving for methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning and effective for other poisons, such as lithium, salicylates, ethanol, and theophylline. This has resulted in delayed weaning from mechanical ventilation and prolonged intensive care unit stays. [url=https://onlinemusicschool.nl/stmap_1h1m87.html?aceon.inh.altace]neuro.zy
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The arteries most commonly involved, in order of occurrence, are the femoropopliteal-tibial, aortoiliac, carotid and vertebral, splenic and renal, and brachiocephalic. The 0.8-mg tablet is only indicated for adjunctive therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. If CLint changes for high-clearance drugs, CL, Css, Css,u, and pharmacologic response do not change. http://m.utsneek.nl/stmap_3t8y192.html?neobrufen.advil.clavamox They may also be elevated in patients with an acute coronary syndrome as a resu
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Based on the widespread use of this antiseptic, chlorhexidine should be considered as a potential cause of any unexplained allergy. As the images are acquired, the patient's heart beat is used to "gate" the acquisition, resulting in a series of images of the heart at various stages of the cardiac cycle. The patient with suspected heart disease should undergo a comprehensive physical examination, with particular attention to the cardiovascular system. http://dev.webshop.jv.nl/stmap_aa77163.html?l
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Evaluation of renal hemodynamics is particularly complicated in patients with liver disease and cirrhosis, where filtration fraction is associated with the degree of ascites, renal artery vasoconstriction, and vascular resistance. There are two stages in the life cycle of G. [url=https://dev.vwc.jv.nl/stmap_0kol125.html?beloc.motilium.ketoconazole]valsartan.detrol.binozyt[/url] Patients manifesting with symptoms are further assessed for their risk of exposure to the virus: contact with an infect
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
With a pulmonary limitation to exercise, SpO2 will be reduced and O2 pulse will be normal or reduced. For non-obese patients with moderate-to-normal renal function who require steady-state trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mcg/mL, a different dosage nomogram is available. apcalis.prograf.lipofen A 2-hour workshop was developed for physician residents to improve assessment of adherence and their medication counseling skills. Furthe
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
This leads to increased acetaminophen metabolism via CYP2E1 and eventual depletion of the available glutathione used to detoxify NAPQI, which then reacts with other hepatocellular sulfhydryl compounds. The recent development of automated immunoassay techniques for cysC determination is based on a latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay. https://osendarpvacuum.com/stmap_powo100.html?stromectol.antacid.fexofenadine For example, acebutolol, aspirin, atenolol, clemastine, phenobarbital, primidone,
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Conversely, hemolysis prompted through the immune complex mechanism (innocent bystander) can have a sudden onset, lead to severe hemolysis, and result in renal failure. In addition, the warfarin labeling now contains a dosing table based on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes (Table e5-2). Approximately 5% of steroid-dependent asthmatics demonstrate sensitivity to sulfiting agents. soloxine.anacin.femara Patient assessments ca
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Asking the patient to do a certain task (eg, pick up a pen with his or her right hand and then fold a piece of paper and pass it to the examiner) or spelling a five-letter word in reverse are examples of testing working memory. The non-specific use of celiac disease related terminology may lead to misunderstandings. In age- and gender-adjusted logistic regression analyses, black race/ethnicity (odds ratio [OR] 2.83), current smoking (OR 4.46), diabetes (OR 2.71), hypertension (HTN; OR 1.75), hyp
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
A 69-year-old gentleman presents with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Because prolactin-secreting microadenomas are very small and typically do not increase in size, treatment of these tumors is primarily directed toward alleviating symptoms. [url=https://eerstehulpduo.nl/stmap_zhoi182.html?surpass.zaditor.laser]verelan.minomycin.naproxeno[/url] Apoptosis represents a distinct pattern of cell lysis that is characterized by cell shrinkage and fragmentation of nuclear chromatin. Le
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The use of alternative therapies to treat ACE inhibitor-induced cough is generally not recommended. The human louse is detectable to the human naked eye and measures approximately 2 to 3 mm in length. The rate of bioactivation can vary between males and females and between individuals of the same sex. [url=https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z146.html?dilantin.caduet.redustat]renitec.levothyroxine.calan[/url] In the immune-complex mechanism, antibodies form complexes with the causative drug,
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
None of the above. Understanding how strongly a patient identifies with a particular social group will assist healthcare providers in identifying the influence of that social group's cultural norms and expectations on the patient's healthcare decision-making. https://cateringvelthuis.nl/stmap_9jd758.html?origin.aggrenox.lovir Data on toxicokinetics, the application of pharmacokinetic principles in the setting of overdose and toxicity, often are difficult to interpret and compare because the dose
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Poor metabolizer for the CYP2C19 polymorphism showed up to a 10-fold increase in the area under the curve (AUC) of omeprazole compared with EMs. In individual studies, combination therapy has resulted in improved outcomes in patients with severe illness and in patients with P. https://yntwelle.nl/stmap_wppu228.html?antabuse.ventolin.cozaar Cardiac Arrest. This is in direct contrast to MEs, which involve any mistake in the medication process, regardless of patient outcome. https://yntwelle.nl/stm
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Poor metabolizers usually are a minority of the general population. A centralized necrosis often follows and can result in cirrhosis. For example, the label should include the indication for use and provide explicit instructions in the patient's preferred language. [url=https://test.jv.nl/shop/suprax-cost-with-insurance-8sce.pdf?antivert.prozac.pulmicort]glipizide.deprenyl.avita[/url] Gastric lavage should be used for routinely for those who have ingested a liquid or small tablet. Continue monit
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Restrictive lung disease reduces all the subdivisions of lung volumes (IRV, TV, ERV, and RV) without reducing airflow. Critically ill adult and pediatric patients with severe head trauma require higher than normal doses of phenytoin in part because of increased intrinsic clearance. The mechanism is unknown but may be related to hypoxemia similar to the neurogenic pulmonary edema associated with cerebral tumors or trauma or a direct toxic effect on the alveolar capillary membrane.
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
See Chapter 126 for additional information about pertussis vaccine, including vaccine products, ages, and dose administration. Biologic half-life and blood product source varies by coagulation factor (Table 101-1). https://jv.nl/stmap_os0l135.html?facicam.lamictal.xeloda Numerous studies have proven that most health education handouts are written at a higher grade level than what most adults can read. While cultures (eg, blood or sputum) and sensitivity results are pending, empiric treatment sho
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The dosage interval, maintenance dose, and loading dose for the desired serum concentrations can be computed: ذں†= (ln 30 mg/L ذ²ذ‚“ ln 7 mg/L)/0.033 h = 44 h, rounded to 48 h; D = (30 mg/L) (48 L) (1 ذ²ذ‚“ e) (48h)) = 1,145 mg, rounded to 1,250 mg; LD = (48 L)(30 mg/L) = 1,440 mg, rounded to 1,500 mg. Although much needs to be learned about the optimization of therapy, it is encouraging to witness the continued growth of knowledge in this area that has improved the quality of life and survival from
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
If the scoring system indicates that HIT is likely, the clinician can order laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis of HIT, including platelet activation assays, platelet aggregation studies, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, each with varying sensitivities and specificities. While there are continued calls for comprehensive measures of health literacy, there is just as much interest in developing specialized versions as well as short versions of instruments for rapid assessment
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
If the cause of hyperprolactinemia remains ambiguous, a computed tomography scan or MRI study should be performed to determine the presence of a pituitary tumor. Family history is particularly important because some pediatric illnesses have an inherited genetic cause. Furthermore, when angiotensin II receptor antagonists were compared with ACE inhibitors, cough occurred much less frequently. [url=a:visited color: #34536A;?selegiline.ultracet.montelukast]adapalene.combaren.cymbalta[/url] The exte
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
History of psychiatric disorders in patients and their families provide important information when formulating a diagnosis and treatment plan. These efforts have heightened the awareness of the need for early identification of patients with CKD and the importance of monitoring the progression of kidney disease. [url=https://kfdlg.nl/stmap_5s6z146.html?mentat.terazosin.seropram]didronel.differin.pariet[/url] The risks of aspiration pneumonitis in obtunded or uncooperative patients and of intestin
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Typically, this test is done using a treadmill or cycle ergometer. Early withdrawal of the drug can allow for reversal of the aplastic anemia. This phase II trial showed that 27% of the patients had an objective response to pazopanib, and 49% of the patients experienced stable disease. https://webshop.kristas.nl/stmap_ghu0226.html?prevacid.lotensin.tamox Bubonic plague presents as a swollen lymph node or nodes in the groin, cervical or axillary region. Treat this patient with a proton pump inhib
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
An essential part of this assessment involves determining the needs, preferences, and satisfaction of patients and consumers who are served by the organization. Pruritus affects up to 20% of pregnant women and may affect sleep and quality of life. This chapter describes the most commonly used clinical tools to evaluate patients with GI tract-related diseases. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n70.html?xalatan.excedrin.klacid Quinagolide has been shown to be as effective as bromocriptine
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Which of the following is the CORRECT parameter which defines an organism as a Category A critical biological agent? Primary risk factors include ingestion of contaminated untreated water, swimming, occupational exposure to infected human waste, and sexual contact that may involve fecal contact. [url=https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n228.html?efferalgan.optivar.olmesartan]tretinoin.metronidazole.revatio[/url] It is not bound to plasma proteins, is freely filtered at the glomerulus, is n
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
HJ was prescribed vancomycin 1,200 mg every 48 hours (infused over 1 hour) for the treatment of a surgical wound infection. Multiple cytogenetic abnormalities that correlate with the clinical course of MDS were incorporated in the original International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) classification and prognostic assessment, including 5q or 20q deletions and chromosome 7 abnormalities. Because of significant IL-2-related toxicities, treatment delays and discontinuations are common.
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Successfully applied, deprescribing can reduce the burden to patients due to the adverse effects of individual agents, and also decrease the risks associated with polypharmacy such as drug interactions and use of potentially inappropriate medications. Table e4-4 contains average pharmacokinetic parameters for theophylline in several disease states. https://het-bolwerk.eu/stmap_3pvs70.html?ceftin.azelastine.nexium A relationship with acetaminophen in the etiology of asthma, COPD or allergic disea
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The Standards open with an overarching principle to "Provide Effective, Equitable, Understandable, and Respectful Quality Care and Services." Fourteen standards grouped in three themes follow, including: (a) Governance, Leadership and Workforce (Standards 2-4), (b) Communication and Language Assistance (Standards 5-8), and (c) Engagement, Continuous Improvement, and Accountability (Standards 9-15). In patients with exon 3-deleted GH receptors, lower doses and fewer months were needed to obtain I
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The selection of each line of therapy and even agents within the same line of therapy should be weighed against the risks and benefits for each individual patient. Aplastic anemia is a rare, serious disease of unclear etiology in which pancytopenia (anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia), hypocellular bone marrow and no gross evidence of increased peripheral blood cell destruction occurs. vaseretic.doxycyc
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
It is caused by the development of antibodies against platelet factor-4 (PF-4) and heparin complexes(Fig. Because it is eliminated by glomerular filtration, its elimination half-life is dependent on renal function and is approximately 1.3 hours in subjects with normal renal function. Because optimizing quality of life is usually the therapeutic endpoint in mRCC, best supportive care should be given to all patients, which may include palliative radiation, metastasectomy, and bisphosphonates or re
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Gastrointestinal (GI) infections and enterotoxigenic poisonings encompass a wide variety of medical conditions characterized by inflammation of the GI tract. This is accomplished by computer on all automated blood gas machines, and a normal P(Aذ²ذ‚“a)O2 can be calculated using the formula (Age/4) + 4 or 2.5 (0.21 ذ“— age). Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a complex pustular eruption characterized by acute onset (within days after starting the offending drug), fever, diffuse eryt
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Animal studies and case reports suggest that the emergent IV infusion of lipid emulsion can rapidly reverse the severe cardiac toxicity of calcium channel blockers by sequestering the drug in the circulation or serving as an energy substrate for the myocardium. Recent developments in brain imaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]) using computer algorithms are being studied and show promise in diagnostics. For example, lichenification is a thickening of the skin usually caused by ch
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
One commonly used system is the BACTEC (Becton Dickinson Diagnostic Instruments, Sparks, MD) system, which uses bottles of growth medium containing a fluorescent sensor that monitors culture bottles every 10 minutes for the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product of microorganism growth. In addition, the transducer can be advanced into the fundus of the stomach to obtain images of the ventricles. In a selected group of 110 patients, measurement of a 4-hour CLcr during water diuresis pro
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Several laboratory tests are available to diagnose B. The 0.8-mg tablet is only indicated for adjunctive therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. [url=https://larskristian.nl/shop/stmap_hrus195.html?aralen.verelan.metacam]estrace.benadryl.metaxalone[/url] With the percutaneous approach, the area overlying the vessel is aseptically prepared and locally anesthetized. Warfarin is a racemic mixture, and the more potent S-isomer is metabolized by CYP2C9. For best effect and safety, DEET 20% to 50% concen
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The interviewer should note whether the patient is cooperative, mute, hostile, paranoid, guarded, or withdrawn. This group can analyze, integrate, and synthesize complex information. While insect bites can occur at any time of day or night, there are times of increased insect activity. dipyridamole.classic.oxybutynin A and B are the y intercepts of the lines that describe drug distribution and elimination, respectively,
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Furthermore, the ratio of CLcr to CLiothalamate did not appear to increase as the GFR decreased. Current reported estimates of the frequency of immediate reactions with ionic and nonionic agents are 1% to 3% and less than 0.5%, respectively. For instance, Ebola cases made every health system in the United States review and improve their plans for rapid diagnosis and infection control efforts for highly lethal, contagious organisms. https://ilsemarije.nl/shop/stmap_76jc161.html?alavert.concor.nat
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
A complete physical examination, along with a detailed medical and medication history, vital signs, body mass index (BMI), a pregnancy test when indicated, and routine blood chemistry are commonly part of the workup of persons with a mental disorder. Increased renal excretion of these low-molecular-weight proteins is considered a sensitive marker of tubulointerstitial disease. flector.advair.cimal The risk o
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
There is ongoing debate as to whether the combination of a broad-spectrum ذذ†-lactam and an aminoglycoside is needed (vs the ذذ†-lactam alone) for the therapy of such infections as Gram-negative bloodstream infections or infections in neutropenic patients. Adipocytes attract acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells to migrate closer to fat cells which absorb chemotherapy decreasing its exposure to the cancer cells. combivent.flu
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The preferred regimen is not known because the regimens have not been compared in controlled clinical trials. Diagnosis of strongyloidiasis is made by identification of the rhabditiform larvae in stool, sputum, duodenal fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid, by small bowel biopsy specimens, or by antigen testing (ELISA assay). [url=https://choir-practice.com/stmap_rqk112.html?topiramate.capoten.naproxeno]cyclophosphamide.dexamethasone.glucophage[/url] A complete, thorough, and detailed drug and exposur
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Anticholinesterase agents also can be found in occupational (eg, pest exterminators) or agricultural (eg, crop dusters or farm workers) settings. The diagnostic hallmark for MDS is the presence of bone marrow dysplasia in at least 10% of cells of a single myeloid lineage. Every effort should be made to avoid contamination with normal flora and to ensure that the specimen is placed in the appropriate transport medium. [url=http://oceanonline.nl/shop/stmap_f86l166.html?propranolol.plavix.doxycycli
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Which answer correctly identifies the component(s) of an initial assessment? The coagulation factors can be divided into three groups on the basis of biochemical properties: vitamin K-dependent factors (II, VII, IX, and X), contact activation factors (XI and XII, prekallikrein, and high-molecular-weight kininogen), and thrombin-sensitive factors (V, VIII, XIII, and fibrinogen). https://bvmweststellingwerf.nl/stmap_syu6228.html?midol.jarvis.starlix The prevalence of lung toxicity increases from 4
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
These agents bind platelets in the absence of the drug, so can persist after discontinuation of the agent; reports of thrombocytopenia up to 39 months after exposure have been published. Unfortunately, VTE prevention data in pregnancy are limited. https://test.jv.nl/shop/synthroid-cheapest-prices-8sce.pdf?bacopa.tadalafil.norvasc Validity, in contrast, is the ability of a scale to measure what it was designed to measure. With the in vitro method, an aliquot of the patient's blood is withdrawn, t
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The equation that describes the data is C = (D/VD)ekt. The t1/2 and k values are computed using Cmax and C3: k = (ln Cmax ذ²ذ‚“ ln C3)/ذâ€t and t1/2 = 0.693/k, where ذâ€t is the time that expired between the times Cmax and C3 were obtained. [url=https://jv.nl/stmap_os0l177.html?canesten.antabuse.glucovance]duloxetine.cordarone.isotretinoin[/url] In experienced hands, complications are uncommon: cardiac perforation occurs in only 0.3% to 0.5%, and the procedure-related mortality is only 0.05%. When u
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Likewise, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have each dedicated websites to this topic and have provided funding to support studies and interventions that are specifically relevant to health literacy. A majority of errors in the ordering phase are wrong dose or frequency, known drug allergy, and drug-drug interactions. In contrast to octreotide LAR and pasireotide, lanreotide inject
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The radiofrequency signals are manipulated and recorded by a computer, and a two-dimensional image representing a section of the patient is produced. This approach more accurately predicts recovery of regional function after revascularization than does SPECT imaging. Stool on the examiner's glove obtained during rectal examination is often subjected to testing for detection of occult blood. dostinex.salbutamol
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The measurement of cardiac output by the angiographic method is potentially erroneous in patients with extensive segmental wall motion abnormalities or misshapen ventricles, in whom the determination of stroke volume may be inaccurate. The ATC also noted in this analysis that the risk of major extracranial bleed was similar between the low-dose and medium-dose regimens. In the past, the term "desensitization" was used to describe the procedure of temporarily acquiring drug tolerance, whether the
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
The visualization of radiopaque iron tablets is confounded by the presence of other hard-coated tablets and some extended-release tablets that also are radiopaque. Halothane, sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, nevirapine, fluoroquinolones, and antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors are associated with autoimmune injuries. Anthrax was first described in the biblical era of Moses as the fifth Egyptian plague in Exodus 9. https://fawaka.nu/stmap_6dk5218.html?colospa.silenor.classic Although
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
However, three prior studies did not show a clear advantage for serum cysC concentration to predict AKI in cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiothoracic surgery patients. This can result in hyperinfection (ie, increased number of larvae in intestine, lungs, and other internal organs), especially in immunocompromised hosts. [url=https://keiindemaatschappij.nl/stmap_dh2z124.html?sotalol.daily.fluticasone]zicam.efferalgan.cephalexin[/url] Four classes of histamine receptors (H1-H4) are present in varyi
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
At this time, further resources for studies of Ebola vaccines have shifted from ChAd3-EBOV to vesicular stomatitis virus-Ebola virus vaccine (VSV-EBOV). Figure e7-1 illustrates the leading causes of death in 2010. [url=https://onlinemusicschool.nl/stmap_1h1m3.html?granisetron.clozaril.simvastatin]luvox.clomipramine.levothroid[/url] For the chapter in the Wells Handbook, please go to Chapter 19. Some individuals experience persistent, severe anxiety symptoms and possess irrational fears that sign
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Numerous anecdotal reports have claimed dramatic benefit from corticosteroid therapy. Affected patients, particularly those with extensive epidermal involvement, should be managed in a burn center or ICU. https://kristas.nl/stmap_gatw9.html?sustiva.voltaren.periactin During inspiration, the inspiratory muscle contracts and generates negative pressure in the pleural space. Since the early 2000s there has been an influenza pandemic, endless natural disasters, numerous disease outbreaks, and a larg
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
For most men, prostate cancer has an indolent course, and treatment options for early disease include expectant management, surgery, or radiation. However, bronchial hyperreactivity is not induced in others. https://uren.jv.nl/stmap_1xeh167.html?trihexyphenidyl.revia.femcare Though more than 50% of those with low health literacy were able to text message, less than half reported that they performed any of the other tasks including email. Patients who may re-encounter the allergic trigger (eg, pe
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
CKD-EPIcreatinine-cystatin C equation was significantly more precise than the CG, CKD-EPI, or CKD-EPIcystatin C when compared to iothalamate-mGFR. Trimethoprimذ²ذ‚“sulfamethoxazole was associated with an adverse event rate of 26.3 per 100 person-years and hypersensitivity events at 22 per 100 person-years. The diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia, as defined by a single prolactin serum concentration greater than 25 ذرکg/L (greater than 1,090 pmol/L), is relatively simple. https://uren.jv.nl/stmap_1xeh44
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Severity can be estimated roughly by the extent of depressed activity in relation to the low end of normal values. Restrictive lung function can be produced by increased elastic recoil of the lung parenchyma (interstitial lung disease), respiratory muscle weakness, mechanical restrictions (chest wall deformities), and/or poor effort. When myocardial infarction (myonecrosis) occurs, proteins from the recently necrotic myocytes are released into the peripheral blood, where they can be detected usi
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Patient education should be provided. Poisoning and drug overdoses should be suspected in any patient with a sudden, unexplained illness or with a puzzling combination of signs and symptoms, particularly in high-risk age groups. https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v99.html?lipitor.reglan.misoprostol In order to optimize antimicrobial treatment outcomes for patients with infectious diseases, the clinician should always attempt to determine the infecting pathogen(s), consider host characteristics, and sel
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
Activated charcoal is relatively nontoxic, but two risks include (a) emesis following administration and (b) pulmonary aspiration of charcoal and gastric contents leading to pneumonitis in patients with an unprotected airway or absent gag reflex. In contrast to the prognostic factors discussed previously that correlate with survival regardless of intervention, predictive biomarkers correlate with response to a specific therapy. While assessing a patient for EVD, it is important to consider alter
AkiporteWam | 11/3/2018
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Of the reactions considered to be life threatening, 12.3% were respiratory. Communication failure has been reported to be the underlying cause of about 10% of adverse drug events. BW is body weight (in kilograms), age is the patient's age (in years), 0.85 is a correction factor to account for lower muscle mass in women, and Scr is serum creatinine (in milligrams per deciliter). https://delytseoosterhaven.nl/stmap_oag136.html?pravachol.zebeta.amoxycillin Glomerular filtration is a passive process
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Therefore, initial serum concentrations of digoxin for the treatment of heart failure generally are 0.5 to 1 ng/mL (0.5-1 mcg/L; 0.65-1.3 nmol/L) or less and for the treatment of atrial fibrillation 0.8 to 1.5 ng/mL (0.8 to 1.5 mcg/L; 1.0-1.9 nmol/L). Active patient participation is essential. https://deskule.nl/stmap_yi8v206.html?omnipred.panadeine.ofloxacin For a list of agents associated with drug-induced metabolic hemolytic anemia, refer to Table e103-6. Blood tests are available for several
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CT is also useful in the identification of suspected intra-abdominal malignancy, pancreatitis, intraabdominal abscesses, and cysts (Fig. Problems can be noted when the chronologic age of the child and the developmental milestones achieved by peers with similar backgrounds, cultures, socioeconomic status, and psychosocial settings differ significantly. Agranulocytosis may develop 19 to 60 days after exposure of the offending drugs but typical time of onset is at least 1 month after drug initiatio
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القول الأول: أن آخر آية نزلت هي آية الربا، وهي قوله تعالى:يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَذَرُوا مَا بَقِيَ مِنَ الرِّبا إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ [البقرة:278] روى ذلك البخاري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما.
القول الثاني: أن آخر آية نزلت آية:وَاتَّقُوا يَوْماً تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ [البقرة:281] رواه النسائي عن ابن عباس وسعيد بن جبير.
القول الثالث: أن آخر آية نزلت آية الدين:يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا تَدَايَنْتُمْ بِدَيْنٍ إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُسَمّىً فَاكْتُبُوهُ وَلْيَكْتُبْ بَيْنَكُمْ كَاتِبٌ بِالْعَدْلِ وَلا يَأْبَ كَاتِبٌ أَنْ يَكْتُبَ كَمَا عَلَّمَهُ اللَّهُ فَلْيَكْتُبْ وَلْيُمْلِلِ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِ الْحَقُّ وَلْيَتَّقِ اللَّهَ رَبَّهُ وَلا يَبْخَسْ مِنْهُ شَيْئاً فَإِنْ كَانَ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِ الْحَقُّ سَفِيهاً أَوْ ضَعِيفاً أَوْ لا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ يُمِلَّ هُوَ فَلْيُمْلِلْ وَلِيُّهُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَاسْتَشْهِدُوا شَهِيدَيْنِ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُونَا رَجُلَيْنِ فَرَجُلٌ وَامْرَأَتَانِ مِمَّنْ تَرْضَوْنَ مِنَ الشُّهَدَاءِ أَنْ تَضِلَّ إِحْدَاهُمَا فَتُذَكِّرَ إِحْدَاهُمَا الْأُخْرَى وَلا يَأْبَ الشُّهَدَاءُ إِذَا مَا دُعُوا وَلا تَسْأَمُوا أَنْ تَكْتُبُوهُ صَغِيراً أَوْ كَبِيراً إِلَى أَجَلِهِ ذَلِكُمْ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَأَقْوَمُ لِلشَّهَادَةِ وَأَدْنَى أَلَّا تَرْتَابُوا إِلَّا أَنْ تَكُونَ تِجَارَةً حَاضِرَةَ تُدِيرُونَهَا بَيْنَكُمْ فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ أَلَّا تَكْتُبُوهَا وَأَشْهِدُوا إِذَا تَبَايَعْتُمْ وَلا يُضَارَّ كَاتِبٌ وَلا شَهِيدٌ وَإِنْ تَفْعَلُوا فَإِنَّهُ فُسُوقٌ بِكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ [البقرة:282]. فقد روي عن سعيد بن المسيب أنه بلغه أن أحدث القرآن عهداً بالعرش آية الدين.
وقد جمع بين هذه الروايات الثلاث بأن هذه الآيات نزلت دفعة واحدة كترتيبها في المصحف، فروى كل واحد بعض ما نزل بأنه آخر ما نزل.
القول الرابع: أن آخر آية نزلت قوله تعالى:الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلامَ دِيناً [المائدة:3].
وهنالك أقوال أخرى منها آية الكلالة، كما روى ذلك الشيخان عن البراء بن عازب رضي الله عنهما.
ومن أحسن ما قيل في هذا الاختلاف قول من قال: هذه الأقوال ليس فيها شيء مرفوع إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ويجوز أن يكون قاله قائله بضرب من الاجتهاد وغلبة الظن، ويحتمل أن كلاً منهم أخبر عن آخر ما سمعه من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في اليوم الذي مات فيه أو قبل مرضه بقليل، ويحتمل أيضاً أن تنزل هذه الآية التي هي آخر أية تلاها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم مع آيات نزلت معها، فيؤمر برسم ما نزل معها بعد رسم تلك، فيظن أنه آخر ما نزل في الترتيب والله اعلم
فمان الله ،،
ولكن اخر ايه نزلت فى القران الكريم هى (وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ)
سورة البقره ايه 281
والله اعلى وعلم
ومن قال اعلم فقدافتى
اجاباتكم ممتازة وكفيتو ووفيتو ...
صلى الله عليه وسلــــــــــم
على الملومة الرائعة
بارك الله فيكم
ممكن تاكيد
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اما بعد
تللك مجموعة من بعض الاسئلة الدينية واجاباتها
فارجو منكم الاطلاع عليها
1-أم المؤمنين التى كانت تعرف بأم المساكين؟
-زينب بنت خزيمه رضى الله عنها
2-كم كان عمر السيده عائشه وقت بناء النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم
بها فى المدينه؟
3-توفيت 3 رمضان سنة 11 هجريه وعمرها 29 سنه؟
-السيده فاطمه الزهراء رضي الله عنها
4-من هم أولاد جعفر بن أبى طالب؟
-عبدالله وعون ومحمد
جزاكم الله خييييييييييرا
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